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A few days after her tutoring session with Malfoy that Harry had rudely interrupted, Cassidy was sat in the common room doing some casual reading when she heard a familiar voice standing behind her talking to his friends. 

"Fletcher, I'd like you to meet some friends of mine, some of them I know you'll have met" He smiled, it was refreshing for her to see Malfoy continuing to be nice, he seemed much softer than the normal doom and gloom that he usually presented on his face. Cassidy stood up and shook the hands of Goyle, Crabbe, Blaise and a girl called Gemma. 

"It's nice to meet you" Gemma smiled, "It'll be nice to have another slytherin girl around here, there's sometimes a bit too much testosterone" she laughed, causing Cassidy to laugh along. Cassidy had recognised Gemma as one of the popular girls in Slytherin that normally hung around with Pansy Parkinson. 

"We were going to go down to The Three Broomsticks if you'd like to join us?" Malfoy smiled. 

"I-I'd love to" Cassidy smiled as she watched Malfoy nod towards the door to the common room motioning that they were about to leave. Cassidy set her book down on the leather sofa and followed him out and through the castle. Draco lead the group along with Blaise as they chatted along the way, every so often one of them chuckled at the other, Cassidy watched as she saw him look back towards her every so often as if he were checking that she was still there Behind Draco and Blaise was Crabbe and Goyle, although the two were idiots, they seemed completely harmless. Gemma walked with Cassidy and after a few minutes of talking she linked her arm with Cassidy as a sign of friendship, something that Cassidy didn't quite expect.

"Cassidy is such a pretty name" Gemma cooed, "I know Draco likes to use surnames with people, but I don't really like it all that much. Friends don't use surnames" 

"He is a bit of a strange one" Cassidy laughed as she tried to whisper. 

"I heard that Fletcher" Draco said without turning around. 

After a few minutes walking, the group had arrived at The Three Broomsticks, Draco lead them to a table in the corner at the back of the little pub and the group sat down. "Fletcher, fancy helping me get the Butterbeers in?" he said looking towards Cassidy, she smiled and stood up with a nod as she walked toward the bar and stood with him. 

"Six butterbeers please, put it on my tab" Draco nodded toward the bartender. 

"Right away Mr Malfoy" he replied as he began to pour the drinks swiftly. 

Draco turned to look at Cassidy who was already smiling up at him, "Wipe the smug look off your face Fletcher, your face might get stuck like that if the winds change" 

Cassidy swatting at his arm, "Alright Mr Sarcastic, I don't care for your tone so much" she laughed, "But on a serious note, thank you for inviting me today"

"It's nothing" he stated as he began to organise the Butterbeers that had been placed in front of them. "You're a Slytherin at the end of the day, as annoying as you are" he smirked playfully. 

"God you're such a dick" she laughed as she picked up three of the butterbeers and followed him back to the table. As she sat down at the table, her eyes flickered towards the door and she saw Hermione, Ron and Harry walk in together. Her eyes caught theirs and they stood and watched in disbelief. Although it was only Harry she was mad at, the reaction of the other two also angered her a little bit, she was allowed to have friends from her own house, it didn't matter who it was. Draco noticed the direction in which she was looking in and he caught eyes with Harry sending him a sarcastic 'cheers' with his Butterbeer in the air. Cassidy immediately swatted at Draco's arm in an attempt to stop him showing off. She sent Hermione an apologetic look, of course she wasn't mad at her. But she was confused as to why she was there with Ron when she was still mad at him. 

Draco finished the last of his Butterbeer and rose from the table, the rest of the group  looking in his direction then back at their full cups. "You guys finish up, I'll be back in a second" He smiled towards Cassidy who blushed slightly as she watched him walk away into a door at the back of the room. She watched Harry as his eyes followed Draco and then back to her. Hermione had tried to grab Harry's arm as he rose from his seat, but he had ignored her. Cassidy panicked a little bit as she saw Harry walking towards her. 

"This can't be good" Cassidy whispered under her breath as Harry got to the table. 

"What do you want Potter?" Goyle spat. 

"Cassidy can I have a word?" Harry asked ignoring the rest of the group's sneers. 

"I don't think she wants to talk to you" Goyle carried on

Cassidy rose from her seat slowly, "It's alright guys it won't take long" the rest of the group nodded as she walked a few paces away from the table in order to speak to Harry privately. 

"Can I help you?" Cassidy asked, her arms folded. 

"What do you think you're doing?" He spat showing his anger towards the situation. 

"I don't really see how it is any of your business" She said plainly. "But I'm with some friends if you don't mind"

"Friends? Don't bullshit me Cassidy.  know you're mad at me and you've made your point. But can't you come back and join us. Drop the facade with these snakes and come back to be with your real friends

"Oh yeah, some friend you've been. You act so sweet, act like you want to spend time with me, then kiss me, then completely blow me off. I get you've got stuff going on Harry but don't we all?" She scoffed rolling her eyes at him. 

"I get it, you're pissed." He sighed, "But come on Malfoy?

Cassidy began to get angry, "Again, I don't see how it is any of your business, plus I don't see what is so wrong with him." 

"Cassidy, you know what I'm talking about. Come on, what would your mother think about this" He touched her arm. Immediately Cassidy drew her arm away from him. 

"You have no right to bring my mother into this discussion, she trusts me, she would let me make my own decision about my own friends thank you very much". She spat. 

"Come on, you knew what I meant" he started, "His father is a deatheater for crying out loud!" 

It was the last straw for Cassidy. "And mine isn't?" She spat venomously, "Now if you're going to stand here and judge him for the actions of his father then I shall assume you do the same for me. Now I suggest you leave me alone"

"Come on Cass, you know I didn-" Harry started

"I think she's said everything she needed to say Potter" Draco said as he walked up to the pair of them, "Off you fuck" he spat. 

Harry scoffed, "Are you being serious right now?" Harry asked as he turned to Cassidy. 

"Deadly" she spat back at him. 

"Come on Fletcher, leave him to it" Draco said as he tugged at her arm. "You lot, we are going" he motioned to the rest of the group who were still sat at the table. 

"Have a good one Potter" Draco smirked as he walked past him, barging into his arm. 

Harry took one last look at Cassidy before she walked away, "You know, you deserve to be in Slytherin" he spat as he returned to Hermione and Ron. 

Cassidy ignored the tears that pricked at her eyes as she followed the rest of the group outside and back towards the castle. Not knowing exactly what was abut to happen at The Three Broomsticks after they left. 

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