Random Side Story!!!

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Okay, like ten million things before I get to the story.

One, sorry, there won't be a normal update today. I'm kind of busy rn, so that's that. But I do have a side story that I made randomly during science class today, so you guys can have some sort of writing today.

About this story, it's a side story, not part of the main storyline.

This takes place in the time skip of chapter eleven, when Night is locked in Mare's room and bored and stuff. You might wanna go reread that, just in case to refresh your memory.

Also, the quote I'm using is from this song, called Freaks by Jordan Clarke, I really like it. I think it goes well with Nightmare's Gang, I could see Mare humming along to this unconsciously or some other shiz. 

I think that's about it! Sorry again for not updating normally, but enjoy this little snippet instead!


It was the locket that grabbed Night's attention.

Everything else, it was obvious what the purposes were. Books, enough for a whole library, were alphabetized and organized neatly on the shelf by category. Various puzzle cubes, all different sizes and shapes, sat solved in a row. Letters to and from various Sanses, all with the same apple-shaped seal on the front- Nightmare's personal seal.

But the locket was what Night found odd.

It was hanging on a peg over Nightmare's desk, unworn and looking untouched. A golden heart shape, similar to Chara's and Asriel's but with a silver-lined apple instead of their design.

Curious, Night picked it up and opened it.

Curious, Night picked it up and opened it

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(Yes, this is my photo. I drew it, and it took forever. The quote is from the song up above)

The inscription on the other side said, Don't be afraid, we'll be one big family in bold letters.

Night was surprised. I mean, he knew that everyone in Nightmare's Gang had all enscripted willingly, and they all were friends, but this was a different level. This was basically saying that Nightmare actually cared about everyone and considered them family.

Such a sense of empathy wasn't something Night would have expected from the octopus.

It was clear that Nightmare cared about this locket a lot, so it was probably a lot worse to mess with it than his books. So Night placed it back on the hook and left it alone.

He started constructing a marble set, because why not they were fun to make and experiment with, then paused and looked back at the golden heart locket.

Apparently, Nightmare wasn't as cold-hearted as he seemed.


Nightmare picked up the various books and items that Night had been playing with and started putting them back on the shelves. "Call it what you like. You need to fully recover before you can do anything strenuous. The more you cooperate, the faster you'll heal."

After he put away the rest of the stuff, he turned to look at his small passive counterpart, but a flash of light caught his eye.

He paused and glanced at the golden heart locket hanging over his desk. Had Night messed with that?

He'd better not have- that was very sentimental to Mare.

"Alright, I think this is how it works?" Cross said uncertainly, fiddling with the camera buttons a bit.

"Here, I think I can help!" Killer offered, grabbing it out of the monochromatic skeleton's hands. A bright light flashed, and Killer jumped, then blinked away lights. "Never mind, I think you've got it."

Horror laughed. "Guys, why don't you ask the code expert?" He tipped his head to Error.

The glitch looked mildly alarmed. "I don't know how to work technology! Just because I have glitches doesn't mean I'm a technology expert!"

"Hmm... well, I think I've got it anyway," Cross offered, taking back the camera from Killer. "We have, like, a ten second timer, so let's get into position then I can click the button and we should be good, capisce?"

"This is a waste of time," Nightmare muttered. "Why do we need a picture?"

"Because it's fun, spoilsport," Horror said, sticking out his tongue(?) at him. He sat down in front of the camera, Killer and Dust following.

Error looked at the camera, then the arrangement blankly.

Nightmare rolled his eyes. "You are all hopeless." He pulled Error over behind Horror and Dust. "Kneel down here, we'll do like a pyramid thing. Cross, you two once you click the button. Dust, move in closer, you're like halfway out of the screen."

"Waste of time, huh?" Horror asked with a grin.

"Whatever, it's not my fault you guys can't fit everyone into a picture," Nightmare said. He stood behind Error and crossed his arms. "Okay, whenever you're ready, Cross. Let's get this over with."

"Okay.... almost... got it!" Cross clicked the button, then accidentally tripped over the camera. "Never mind!"

Everyone laughed, and even Nightmare and Dust had slight smiles on their faces.

Cross, embarrassed, picked back up the camera and put it on the tripod. "Alright, fail. New try!"

He clicked the button, then ran and knelt down next to Error.

The camera flashed, and everyone had a smile- even Mr. Why-Are-We-Doing-This-This-Is-Pointless.

"Hey, that turned out pretty good!" Horror said when he looked at it.

"Yep, it did," Error agreed.

Nightmare just rolled his eyes. "Whatever, it's still a waste of time."

He turned and walked upstairs.

~Time Skip With No Funny Joke Or Comment Because I Can't Think Of Anything Funny~

Later that night, Nightmare opened the door to his office, then jumped as there was a sound of something hitting the ground.

He looked down, and saw a golden heart locket with a silver apple engraved in the front. A note stuck out of it slightly, and curious, Nightmare picked it up.

Hey, The note said. We don't know your actual birthday, because you've never told us, so this is either an early present or a late one. But either way, happy birthday, Mare!

Thanks for everything

-The Gang

Nightmare looked at the note with a small smile, then opened the locket. It was the picture they had taken earlier today, and an engraving on the other side said Don't be afraid, we'll be one big family.

"Thank you," Nightmare whispered. "This is better than anything I could've asked for."

Unbeknownst to him, a certain cannibal had heard it, and smiled.

A glitchy computer program. A goopy octopus. A happy-go-lucky cannibal. Two Genociders. A monochromatic oreo.

They were an odd, loving family.

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