Chapter 7

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At the abandoned park.

There stood two figures standing atop dirty and dusty grass. Touya set down Kusuo on the bench that he just cleaned dust from.

"Time to clean, Sho-chan. Let's proclaim this as our territory where we can meet up whenever we want without being disturbed. Well, before that... We've got a lot of work to do."

They swept their eyes above the grass, walk ways, and benches filled with dusty dry leaves and then landed on their youngest brother sleeping on a clean bench with puffy eyes. He was snoring quietly.

Shoto nodded. They really have a lot of work to do. And they don't really want their brother to wake up with mess around him while he just cried himself to sleep. After that, the three of them can lie down at the grass with Kusuo. After the place was cleaned.

It's already been one hour and the two barely even cleaned 1/4 of the whole place. Shoto was sweating since he doubled his own work making the places he cleaned sparkly clean. Touya was tired out grumbling that he should make an invention or robot that will do all of his cleaning work for him like the ones in the 'past'. He really misses his past life, more specifically their mother and their father no matter how idiotic he was, he was still their father. And their father at their past life is actually better than their father right now. An idiotic father is better than an abusive father. At least an idiotic one will make you laugh every time.

"Phew!" Touya wiped the sweat off his forehead while he was raking the leaves from the ground.
"Sho-chan~... I don't think I'll be able to continue. You go on without me!"
Touya lied down on the already cleaned ground just beside Kusuo's bench.

Shoto looked at them and sighed. "Sigh. Why must I continue on with this now? And by myself!" Shoto glanced at where his siblings are sleeping. He must do this for them. Shoto really is too much of a softie in the inside.

After Shoto cleaned just a little bit past half of the park, he gave up already. 'It's not too bad to at least take a short nap.' Shoto thought. So he carried his brothers to shaded grassy ground just beneath a big tree and set them down there. Shoto lied down with them, going along with their sleep.


Someone was passing by the abandoned park. He saw 2 familiar colors of hair lying on the ground inside. He went over the gate to see if his thoughts were right. Although the more questionable thing is why is this person who saw the 2 familiar hair colors is even in a secluded place.

That person went to the twins and saw an unfamiliar person with black hair. The black haired person and Shoto were hugging Kusuo in between them.

'This is interesting. I wonder what they were doing here and who this black haired guy is. Oh! They were cleaning the place.' The person looked around and saw that just a little bit past half of the park is already clean, and that is where they are lying down now.

The person smirked. 'Let's take a lot of pictures and send it to the others.'

The person took pictures of them from the side, from the front, and from the top. He even included a few selfies of himself with them there at the background.

"Hehehehe." The person smirked and giggled of what was going to happen when he shows those pictures he took to the twins. They will be furious.

He had an idea. A 'bad' idea. He texted his class in their group chat. He sent them the pictures of the twins with Touya, although the person doesn't know that the black haired man is Touya, and even sent his own selfies. He told them to go here and even sent them his location through his phone.

His classmates were shocked. 'What are they doing there?', is what they thought.

Almost all of his classmates are going since some of them really have nothing to do, just want to hang out, and are actually curious about the life of the twins.

Since most of the class is going, they are going to party there. They will bring food and help clean the park.

They won't have a problem anyways when the twins wake up to find them there since they will just put all of the blame to that person. That person is stupid.

One of the people stupid enough to anger the twins is the person right here planning to black mail them with the pictures he took of them sleeping is Kaminari Denki.

'Hehehe... This is what you two get for being so handsome and getting all of the attention from the girls in class. I'm going to make it as if the two of you are gay and into ugly men. Hehehehe.' Denki was still too deep into thinking of black mailing them than start to actually think about the consequences. He's definitely going to die.

(Picture not mine, and imagine it without the hearts

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(Picture not mine, and imagine it without the hearts.)

Saiki as Todoroki's Twin BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now