Chapter 3

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No one pov

Daisuke could feel his heart beat faster in worry, it's throb making him wince as he drive through the road. Not following whatever guide the road have for example stop when the light is red. Nope he's not having any of that. His Haru is in a hospital and under treatment as we speak. He want to be there when his wife/husband woke up. That is....if he wake up-

'stop thinking nonsense kambe daisuke!'

The frown on his face deepen,the hold on his steering is tightened. Because deep down..he knew the possibility is there. His heart throb just by the thought of it.

He arrive there in 5 minute,he park the car Infront of the hospital and run in while ordering his butler to take his car to the parking area. He stop Infront of the counter with his breath ragged, eyes fill with fear, worry and sadness.

"Haru kambe"

He said and the nurse start to search for the name in her computer. Once she found it,she told the raven and look up only to met with no one Infront of her.

He look around as he run,eyes darting from left to right searching for the room.



"He's here.."

He mutter under his breath as he stare at the number on the door. He inhale deeply before slide open the door.

His eyes soften on the view,his Haru is laying there on the bed with many wire attached to his wrist. The breathing machine goes up and down indicating that the user is alive. Daisuke stumble his way in and close the door,eyes still not leaving the sleeping figure of his wife/husband.

He pull the nearby chair to the bed side and sit on it. Hand grasping his partner with his eyes close. His Haru is here and he's safe,still alive.

He put his finger on his earing and order HEUSC to settle all the hospital paper to transfer haru to his mansion.


The first thing haru notice when he woke up is the white ceiling and the smell of cologne? What a cologne doing at the hospital?. His head is pounding as if he smash it to the wall. Ah that's right....the van,explosion and the couple. His eyes widen in realisation,the couple!. He abruptly sit up and wince in pain when his body start to protest in its own way, he could feel his body throb here and there, especially his head. His vision is dizzy when he look around the room. The door click open.


Hearing the familiar voice call for him,haru slowly turn his head only to met with a onyx narrow eyes looking back at him. A flower bouquet in hand. Daisuke stood there and a second after let go of the bouquet and capture the older male in hug. He could feel his heart beat faster and tears welled up but refuse to fall.

"Don't ever do that again"

Is what the raven said as he released the hug and look down to the still stun haru,eyes still wide,mouth hanging open. Daisuke chuckle under his breath,he put his index and thumb under the still stun male chin and pull it up to look at him. The raven lean in and their lips met. The kiss was soft and gentle.

Haru who finally out of his shock state immediately kiss back even though his mind is full of questions as to why or how his husband is here. Did he finish the education he need to take over the company?

They both pull away when oxygen is needed,both breath ragged and eyes lock on to the other.


Haru whisper with a tilt to the side. Cheeks flush with pink colour.


His eyes widen when he remember something.

"Those who were with me,how are they?!?"

He asked eyes wide open as his hand on his husband chest pulling the fabric hoisting his body up a little,their eyes lock. Daisuke gently caressing haru cheeks with a small smile.

"You still didn't change,worry about others when you get hurt the most"

With a sigh,daisuke capture Haru into another hug.

"They're fine haru"

He said as he rub the older male back in a soothing manner. Hearing that make haru visibly relax. He snuggle close to his partner chest and inhale the strong smell of his husband expensive cologne. Cologne...

Of course his husband must have transferred him from the hospital. Nothing new to him.
.sorry if there's a wrong grammar and I hope you enjoy😊

Here some daiharu picture/comic😉

Here some daiharu picture/comic😉

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Me right here staring at this picture for who knows how long-

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Me right here staring at this picture for who knows how long-

Me right here staring at this picture for who knows how long-

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UwU I'm soft-

Source- Pinterest

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