1. welcome

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Hello, this is Rent.Love!

Please Create an Account to Continue



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Email : bright.cv@gmail.com
Password : *******



Please fill the form before press next

Name : Bright
Age : 23th

What you're looking for?
- A partner. for 30days.


Welcome, Mr. Bright

What's ideal type of partner are you up to?
- A men
- sweet smile
- good attitude
- bisa membaur dengan cepat
- bisa memasak
- a homey-person
- lebih muda dari saya
- suka dan bisa olahraga
- Cigarette After Sex-enthu (additional)
- suka dan bisa main musik (bebas musik apa saja)
- a movie-freak
- another additional, important! (lulusan/sedang berkuliah di Spore)

Any sexual intentions?
- Yes

If yes, could you please give us the details?
- love pillow-talk
- after-care
- a baby boy
- a rough one
- other conditions will ups to the partner himself.


Okay, Mr. Bright. Give us a moment. we'll contact you the details via Email.

Thank You.




Haiiii, saya balik dengan membawa BrightWin!
please supoort meeeeeh!!

the cast will up soon!


have a good day!

and p.s it's lowkey inpired for Love For Sale!!

RENT.LOVETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang