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     You sighed. "Wasn't expecting much anyway." You muttered before it hit you. "They know one!"

    "Who?!" You asked hope evident in your eyes. Despite the fact that one of your friends was most likely dead you chose not to focus on that.

    "Blondie's Luke right?"


     "Wait. Hold up. How do we know that's Luke without confirmation." The emo looking boy said.

" What the heck?! How many other kids have blond hair and sea green eyes?! Well... his older brother does, BUT THEY'RE RELATED!"

     "Older brother?"

      "Yeah, his older brother. He also has a twin sister named Emma."(A/N I was going through to edit and realized I named her Emma. Oh well, they're sharing a name)

"How do we know you aren't making this up?"

"Why would I be making this up?!"

"To get close to us so you could get the location of where we've been staying."

"Ok, if you really don't trust me one of you can go get Luke. He'll stand up for me."

"I for one am not on the same page as Ray, but it won't hurt to get confirmation." The girl with short orange hair said thoughtfully.

     "Thank you! Seriously, this conversation was going nowhere!"

    During this conversation you had gotten more than a few weirded-out stares. You assumed it was because you were a ball of endless energy and you didn't have a suspicious bone in your body.

     Also the fact that you hadn't washed yourself in a week, had lopsided hair with twigs in it, and had a wolf as your best friend. But who cares about that?

"It couldn't hurt." The one-armed guy said. The kid with white and red hair nodded.

"Don, Gilda, you were the first to meet her, so what do you think?"

Gilda thought for a minute before replying. "She's dangerous as a enemy, but I don't think she means us any harm. Don?"

Don looked at them. "I don't really think she a spy. So far she's helped fix her mistake and asked about her friend. There's really nothing suspicious about that."

You smiled. Watching this group you could tell they all valued each other's opinions as much as their own. It reminded you of when you were still at camp.

        "Ok, Lucas and I will go get Luke. The rest of you watch her." The black and white haired guy announced. He and the one-armed guy (who is apparently known as Lucas) left.

"Hi!" You exclaimed as you looked at the group that was left.

"Hi, I'm Emma! Thanks for taking care of Don's injury."

    "It's fine. It was my fault really. I should've realized that it wasn't a demon coming and called Scrappy off."

     "That's not your fault. Here you should be suspicious of everyone. Which leads me to my question. Why aren't you suspicious of us?"

     "Oh, well you seem like good people and you all seem to trust each other so I don't really think that it would be possible for you guys to be working with the demons. Those kind of bonds are only formed by hardship."

       "You seem educated on the topic why's that?" This was slowly turning into an interrogation.

       "Oh umm, my siblings and I are like that..." You said trailing off at the end. You had never liked answering questions like that.

       "Ah! I'm so sorry I didn't realize it was such a touchy subject!" She exclaimed worriedly.

       "Ah! It's fine! You guys have probably had it a lot harder than me anyway. My problems would be considered trivial compared to yours." You rubbed the back of your neck.

      "I seriously doubt that. You obviously have been through a lot to be chosen for this instead of an adult. Besides, your obviously comfortable with that first aid kit and have survived this long. I'm Oliver by the way." The red and white haired guy said.

"Honestly the main reason that I went is because all the adults need a break. Especially Luke and our friend Maria's parents. My brother in law also needs a break."

"That's really nice of you. If it's not a touchy subject can I ask what they did? Luke's never really talked about his family." Emma asked. I swear she's so polite it's going to kill me.

"Umm, it's kinda a long story..."

"Do you think we've got enough time?"

"Not really. Even just a vague explanation would probably take around thirty minutes." You laughed at the end. "Anyway, I'm sure you have more questions. If you want you can ask me some of them. I'll try to answer." You said with a cheerful hint to your voice at the end.

"Well, how about you tell us about your family. You mentioned siblings earlier. You guys must be really close!"



Hey guys!

Sorry this chapter took so long. I had a few writing projects for school. I hope you don't mind to much.

It's really great to actually get a chapter out though. I'll try to get the next one out in two weeks.

Anyway the holiday season's coming up and in the spirit I wanted to know what's your guys favorite holiday song?

Mine is Silent Night or Carol Of The Bells.

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