- As I hear my alarm I immediately sigh as it was my birthday and every single one of them was shit
- as i called for my mom while walking down the stairs there was no response as i walked into the kitchen there was a big note on the fridge
Dear y/n, i have enjoyed raising you but there is just some secrets you need to find out soon and now that you are 18 you will evolve in to something very powerful and the world will give you many challenges as you come from a very powerful family and all that power has been passed on to you now as you will have many great potentials as to saving the world or being evil but as now this is my note to you look on the back of this note and you will find an envelope I love you so much
- didn't really cry as I thought I would I went outside looking at the dark great clouds as the wind blew my long dark black hair with grey ends in my face as I moved it to the side and looked down I saw big paw prints in the dirt
- I went back inside and looked on the back of the note and opened the envelope when I opened it it was just another piece of paper with an address on it I rolled my eyes and placed it down
- I went back upstairs to get dressed and spend my birthday by myself and remembered that my husky beau (it's pronounced bow) needed to be fed as he was in my room also
What you got dressed into
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- I brought out his dog food as his tail had started wagging I place the food down as he started to eat
- I smiled to myself as I haven't smiled to myself in a while, if I'm going to be honest Im just that lonely girl that has been lonely her whole life, no friends, no love life, nothing special has ever happened
- I looked down at beau and he was looking at me as if he needed to go outside so I then sighed and smiled at him as his tongue hung out
- I went downstairs and grabbed his harness and leash put it on him about to walk out the door until I looked at the address again I searched it up and it wasn't too far walking distance so I took the address and beau with me
-as I started walking I put my headphones in and played my music as I started to get closer it just took me to a forest as I looked ahead I saw a cabin as I walked it I called out for my mother to see if she was here for some surprise
- as I stepped toward I bumped into something but nothing was there so I tried again but it was like a force field was there but as I kept trying a whole opened under me and me and beau had fell through
- as I had started screaming as we were falling to who knows were I tried to scoot closer to beau and grabbed him and held him close
- I had looked down and saw something as if it was another world of some sort it was very unique and colorful we soon stopped falling and landed on the ground but I didn't hurt it felt as if we fell on cotton candy
- I then felt something pull I looked down and saw a string coming from my chest showing me where to go as if it was Google maps
Other persons POV
- as I looked through my window I then saw a string coming towards the building I chuckled a little bit and said "she is finally coming" then someone knocked on my door "come in"
Back to y/ns POV
- I kept walking while beau was following me on his leash as soon as I got there it looked like a huge university and when I say huge I mean humongous when I walked inside a whole bunch of people looked at me weird I rolled my eyes until some girl came up to me
- "hey bitch what did you roll your eyes for" I didn't answer her I just looked her up and down and scoffed "so your not going to answer" she said and smirked I tilted my head interested in what she was going to do
- she was about to punch me until beau had jumped and hit her arm to stop her she had started crying in pain, I chuckled amused at her pain and then patted beaus head to tell him enough as she started running down the hall to what I guessed the nurses office I heard someone yell my name
- "LEE Y/N ASS. HERE. NOW." I looked and guessed it was the principle I shrugged my shoulders and started walking down the hall to him and his office once I got in there I slouched in the chair while he was looking at papers
- "so y/n what was that little stunt back there"
- "it wasn't really that much I just taught beau to defend me at all cost that's it" I said as I smirked thinking about the scene again
- "so y/n have you felt your symptoms yet"
- "first of all how do you know my name"
- "everybody knows the name of the next queen of the world" he said as he was looking down shuffling papers
- I was about to stand up and yell until he used some time of force to stop me
- my eyes had widened as me and beau couldn't move, I eventually gave up and he stopped whatever he was doing
- "what do you want from me huh"
- he chuckled pushing up his glasses and then said "here is your key to your dorm room outside to your left and when you start to feel the symptoms don't bother going to the hospital cause there isn't one where you are sweat heart"
- I hesitantly took the keys and took beaus leash and took me and him out of there as I was walking down the hall I felt a strange aura around everybody's body's I don't know how I could sense it but everybody had wanted to slit each other's throats but held themselves back
- I immediately fastened my pace and as I got outside I let out the breath I didn't know I was in and looked at the key with the number on it 275 I then started walking to my dorm and then walked in and boy was it HUGE as I looked I saw there was nine rooms
- I had tilted my head confused but then groaned as I then wondered how I was going to have clothes if I was going to stay here as thought about that a bunch of boxes and suitcases with my stuff popped up in front of me I stepped back a couple of times shocked but then slowly went closer
- and picked up some of the stuff until I heard the door open and saw 8 boys come in talking and then they saw me in the large living room until one of them went in front and started talking
- " I see she is here, well while your here we are ateez..."
Hey 😅 I honestly hope you enjoyed that there is more coming don't worry