
344 18 1

8 p.m.

i heard a knock on my window. i checked outside and saw no one. out of nowhere, eissa popped up.

"shit!" i was startled. i placed my hand on the chest still scared.

i opened the window and let him in.

"dude! you scared me!" i hit him

"at least i knocked, you should change your window though, people from outside can open it." he ruffled my hair.

"you don't have to go through my window for a few weeks, since my parents are out."

"alright then, let's start learning chinese! 我们开始学华语!" he exclaimed.

"what? i dont understand what you said..." i batted my eyelashes in confusion.

"that's why we're gonna learn!" he patted my head.

"can't we do something else?" i whined. i saw him turn red as a tomato.

gosh, what is this guy thinking?!

"l-like w-w-what?" he stuttered. he was getting nervous, why not tease him more?

i smirked and inch towards him and he took a step back. every step i take he take a step back, until he hit the table.

"get to know each other!" i exclaimed. his face loosened. "what the heck were you thinking?!" i curled on the floor laughing.

"im a boy ok!" he rolled his eyes as he sat down on the floor.

"okokok." i calmed down. "what's you real name? cause i find it hard to believe that a name of a chinese boy is the8..."

"its 徐明浩 (xu minghao)," he answered.

"xu what now?" i asked in confusion.


"xu minghao." i tried to say it in the correct pinyin.

"you need to work on your pinyin."

"alright, alright! do you perhaps like anyone?" i asked him curiously as i inched my face near him.

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