
344 19 6

xu minghao's pov

haru's face was near me. her face turned red and same goes to me.

she finally realized what she did and pulled back. without thinking twice, i cupped her face and smashed my lips against hers.

i closed my eyes waiting for her to break the kiss but she didn't, she deepened it.

she pulled away and looked at me, "let's stop here, i wanna keep my tongue and myself a virgin until im ready."

i can still feel myself blushing as i laugh at her statement.

"so are we in a relationship now or im just something like a one night stand?" she questioned me and tilting her face sideways.

"if you want to have a relationship then why not?" i spoke trying my best not to to stutter.

"yeah, that'll be nice." she smiled and held my hand.

thief || xu minghao ✔Where stories live. Discover now