Untitled Part

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My nerves were everywhere. I was both excited and nervous. It had been rough for the past couple of months. At some point, I was so worried I wouldn't make it and got stressed about it I got sick. I felt terrible when my father had to sit me down and assure me that everything would work out after our family doctor called him and told him I was stressed. Things weren't always this bad. There was a time when our family never lacked. Those were happy times when there was laughter and life in our home. Things had taken a turn when my parents decided to start building our home. It took up so much money that my father was suddenly neck deep in debt. What used to be a comfortable life suddenly turned into a life of struggle. So when the time for me to join college started nearing and I still saw no hope of my parents getting the money required for my fees, I got stressed.

Somehow, my father got the money. Bless that man for all the sacrifices he's made for me. Now after all the preparations, it was finally time to go to school. I chose to stay at the school hostels. Everyone wants to get away from their parents wen in college, right? The process was long and tiresome. We spent the whole day on school grounds with me running up and down to different offices to finalize my admission. At the end of the day, I was left behind at the hostels after my mother had tearfully made my bed and given me a lecture on staying focused on my studies and avoiding the male species. My parents have always been overprotective. Lucky for them, I was a good girl and they never had to worry about me. The lecture was a must though.

I was the first to arrive. I was supposed to have two other roommates and I was glad I got there first. I completely hogged one side of the room. Took the single bed, took a whole wardrobe and the desk one the side I had occupied. The room was a mess. It seemed the previous occupants loved to party because there was a ton of beer bottles in the room. I immediately got to work tidying up the room. Thanks to my allergies, I had to make sure I cleaned the room before I could sleep there otherwise Id be up the whole night continuously sneezing. It didn't take me too long though and I was happy after having finished. I finally sat down and fully absorbed the fact that I was alone and didn't know anything about the school. Right then, my stomach decided to inform me of my hunger with a low rumble. Luckily, I had spotted a shop while I came in so I just went there and decided to buy two cakes and a packet of milk as my dinner. It would suffice before I figured out where I would be getting proper meals. I was glad I had the room to myself and secretly hoped my roommates wouldn't come.

It was 7:30pm when I finished my supper and decided to tour the school grounds even though it was late. I didn't take too long though. I saw where the cafeteria and library were. Those were my main concerns. I hastily made my way back to my room and changed for bed. Sleep didn't come easily. This always happened whenever I was in a new place. It just felt odd being there. I took my phone out and looked at the class group. There was orientation the next day so I had to get up early and go to the bus by 6:00am. I quickly set my alarm clock for 5:00am and snuggled into my bed. As sleep came over me, I made a mental note to get another blanket because using one didn't seem to keep me warm enough.

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