The casts

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The first cast is the fight club cast, also know as the Lanselot Crew. For reasons unknown, they have managed to rise through the ranks and right now, they are the most influential cast.
Their members are usually athletes, since their ways are too brutal for the common folk. They are distinguished from their black clothing, the smoke that accompanied them, and maces and clubs at all times.
They do not accept new members, and girls are rare to be seen, but when they are, they usually share the same attributes. There is not a distinguished leader, since anarchy is what they believe in.
The teachers despise them, as they cause a lot of trouble for the rest of the students. They are not the brightest of students, and they are the source of anarchy and chaos in this school.
There is also the sorceresses cast. It consists exclusively from girls, on their way to become sorceresses. For this reason, their members are diverse and they do not share the same characteristics. They are divided in groups depending their interests.
There is not a leader in this cast. Since they are divided in groups, no one can actually be in the lead of the entire cast. There are small leaders, leading each group, without much individual power, but when united they form an unstoppable Force.
I lost my concentration for a moment. The teacher spoke to me for something I didn't hear. That made me realise that I was sitting alone on my desk. Peter turned around and asked me whether I was writing my novel again. "Yes", I replied, hiding it with my hand. I closed my journal and started paying attention in class. The physics teacher was solving a problem, and as always, the class was not paying attention. I was actually sitting with Peter right now. He was mad at himself because he hurt his leg while playing football today.
The bell rang, and it marked the end of the lessons for the day. I walked down the old path to get to the living Chambers. Peter and Spyros had joined me. The wind was howling and the sun was about to find it's place between the mountains of Parnitha. The lanterns that lighted our way we're lit, as if they were waiting for the night to fall. The stone-paved path was really long since the Chambers were built far from the school.
All of a sudden, we heard a wolf's howl, coming from the distance. Never before had we heard a wolf's howl. We just assumed it was one, since that's what we've been tought it sounds like. "Make haste" Peter said. And so we did, as the wind was pulling the sweat out of our damp hair. The night had come and we ought to be in our Chambers, but we stranded away from the path. Spyros suggested we follow the light coming from between the trees.

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