Chapter One.

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Usually after a long day, Becky Lynch, wealthy, distinguished business woman would often find herself back at home for the night. Her work was stressful and often left her quite exhausted. Though tonight was different. It was a Friday night and she'd just got finished with her last bit of work, only to find herself stood outside of 'Hedonica'. Better known as North Carolina's most popular Burlesque Club. Becky had no idea why she was here, especially when she could've chosen a Strip Club instead. Though she'd been a bunch of times, she desired something new. Something raunchy, yet different to typical stripping. So here she was, and she was yet to complain. Though, she hadn't actually stepped in the building yet. From outside she could hear the music. It was more jazz-like and smooth, contrasting the usual R&B she'd hear at a strip club, and she found herself enjoying it.

She'd chose to go in at a decent time, making her way through the door, past the security guards and into the viewing area. A performance had seemingly just finished, and the large crowd of mostly men, were awaiting the next dancer.

To say she wasn't prepared was an understatement. Becky was in shock at how insanely beautiful this next performer was.

She stepped slowly onto the stage, carefully pulling a chair along with her. The dancer was clad in a deep red corset that hugged her curves perfectly. Her heels were tall and black, and her wavy blonde hair was cascading over her shoulders and down her chest. She wore a wistful smile and once the music started, she began to dance. She started on the ground, moving effortlessly in time with the beat of the music. The crowd was fixated on her and her movements. The woman made it look so simple. About half way through the song, she moved up to the chair, her movements not ceasing, even when she began expertly unzipping her corset. She garnered a few whistles and cheers, but overall it was quiet. Becky was in awe watching her. Her eyes not leaving the dancer once as she leaned back against the wall. By the time the performance was over, the dancer was completely nude and Becky was mesmerised. Everything about this performance was entrancing, and the redhead didn't want it to be over. She moved sensually for a moment longer, each movement in time with the fading beat of the music, before throwing the crowd a warm smile, picking up her outfit and walking off the stage, the crowd cheering and some yelling as she disappeared from view.

Becky had to compose herself. She'd never seen someone so beautiful, so confident. She admired the work of the woman, keeping a memory of it stored in her head. She'd made a mental note to come back here more often, favouring Burlesque over Stripping. More so favouring the dancer she'd just watched. There was no topping her. Becky found her rather phenomenal, and had no interest in watching the next performer. Instead she zoned out, the beautiful blonde not leaving her thoughts. When she did look back up at the stage, there was another woman dancing, but didn't draw Becky's attention to her.

The dancer from before came out of a door behind the stage, dressed in more casual clothes now. She headed up towards the bar not far from where Becky was standing, and Becky had to do everything to keep herself grounded. She watched as a man approached her, touching her wherever he felt. At first, Becky assumed this guy must have been her boyfriend, but once she'd tried shoving him off, she made her way over to them.

"Get off me!" The blonde yelled, the man harassing her not budging. He continued to shamelessly grope her, the woman repeatedly pushing him back. Watching this, Becky shook her head and cleared her throat.

"Excuse me, but she told you to get off her." Becky spoke, her voice low and husky. She straightened her jacket, glaring over at the man who had now turned his attention to Becky.

"We're only having a little fun! Aren't we, Charlotte?" The man said, gripping the blonde's, who'd been named as Charlotte, arm.

"It doesn't look like fun to me. Now get off her and go." Becky kept her gaze on him, her arms eventually folding over her chest. He scoffed and let go of Charlotte, hovering around the pair of women before moving away, mumbling something under his breath. "You alright?" Becky turned her attention to the blonde, resting a hand on her arm and rubbing gently.

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