Chapter Two

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Their arrangement over the weeks was pretty straightforward. Charlotte came in at night, once Becky was out of "work", and she danced, performed, stripped, whatever it really was now. She'd become more comfortable with the way she performed, finding that having only Becky watching her put her mind at ease. There was one time, she not so fondly remembered, a man walking up to the stage and proceeding to touch her wherever he pleased. With Becky being the only audience member, she didn't have to worry about that. There was no fear of being yelled at, or shamed for doing what she enjoyed doing. Becky was nice to her, when they spoke. Conversation was often short, an occasional hello, if Becky had a specific song in mind, sometimes they'd pour themselves a drink at the bar, and then say goodbye to one another. That was the new normal. It still blew Charlotte's mind that she got paid a vast amount of money just for dancing for Becky. She was quite grateful, though she'd never admit it to the redhead.

"Hi, princess." Becky said, greeting Charlotte as the blonde walked through the door to the club. That had become a regular phrase Becky used to welcome Charlotte into the club. The word 'princess' still bothered Charlotte as much as it did when it was first spoken. Nevertheless, she stood by and said nothing, not wanting to jeopardise her profession.

"Hello, Becky." Charlotte responded, shrugging her coat off and hanging it on the back of one of the chairs. She sat down across from Becky in one of the booths, a small smile on her face. "How was work today?"

"Just dance." Becky's sharp response caught Charlotte off guard and she raised an eyebrow, kicking Becky's leg under the table. "Ow?" She scoffed, rolling her eyes at the blonde.

"Yikes, who pissed in your cheerios this morning?"

Becky lifted her head, glaring over at Charlotte and shaking her head. She clenched her jaw, visibly becoming more impatient with every second that passed.

"I'm not gonna tell you again, princess."

Charlotte furrowed her eyebrows, waiting a few moments before rising from her seated position and holding her hand out to Becky. It took a few seconds for Becky to take her hand and stand up, and once she did, Charlotte led her over to the stage.

Becky was clearly stressed out about something, and Charlotte took it as her job to help her relieve that stress somehow. Somehow — She knew exactly how she was going to. Picking up a chair, she set it out in the middle of the stage, gently pushing Becky down onto it and looking down at her with a small grin.

"Any song requests?" She asked softly, picking up her phone, which was connected to the large speakers. Becky shook her head and Charlotte nodded in return, scrolling down in her playlist and stopping at a song with a catchy beat that Becky was sure to enjoy. "I'm gonna do things a little differently, seeing as you're so tense today."

Once the music started, Charlotte began to sway her hips. She kept in time with the beat, as she always did, her movements slow and sensual. As she moved, Becky couldn't keep her eyes off her, and in turn Charlotte got slightly cocky, standing close to Becky. She paused for a moment, looking down at the redhead before taking a seat on her lap, straddling her thighs. Gently, she rolled her hips against Becky, chuckling softly but blushing when the redhead quirked an eyebrow. She'd perked up quite a bit now that Charlotte had began to dance.

"I thought you did burlesque, not lap dancing." Becky said with a smirk, resting her hands on Charlotte's waist. She certainly wasn't complaining.

"I did stripping for a while." Charlotte responded quietly, leaning down close to Becky's face, dodging entirely and moving towards her ear. She giggled softly, sending shivers down Becky's spine, and taking a sharp breath when the redhead's grip on her hips got tighter. "Now shush and enjoy the show." She spoke again, nipping on Becky's earlobe with her teeth.

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