Chapter Four.

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It was early the next morning when Charlotte woke up. To be honest, she wished she hadn't. She'd had such a nice sleep in Becky's bed, that she could've slept all day. The sheets were warm and kept her from going cold, and the shirt Becky had dressed her in was more comfortable than what she'd usually sleep in.

She stretched out in the bed, yawning and looking around the room. Now was her opportunity to get a good look since she hadn't been able to see much in the dark last night. There was no surprise at how tidy everything was, Becky was a fairly organised individual. The odd item of clothing was scattered by the closet, probably because of how quickly the redhead was looking through it for a shirt.

After her glance, she stood up from the bed and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She headed out of the bedroom and into the living room, smiling as she looked down and saw Becky sleeping soundly on the couch. Charlotte knelt down by the couch, tugging the blanket over Becky a bit more. She looked so peaceful laying in her slumber. Charlotte could see her chest rising and falling with each breath and her lips were slightly parted. Her lips were inviting, very inviting. She used her hand to brush a few orange locks out of Becky's face, making sure to be gentle.

"You watching me sleep, princess?" Becky grumbled, her morning voice raspy and oh so very attractive. Charlotte pressed her thighs close together, shaking her head and quickly denying the question.

"No... just checking on you." She was lying, quite clearly, but obviously she didn't want Becky to know that.

"Mhm, you were watching me."

"I was not watching you."

There was a playful smirk on Becky's lips and she opened up one of her eyes, holding the blanket open.

"C'mere." She demanded softly, Charlotte complying almost immediately, clambering up onto the couch and laying under the blanket with Becky. She pressed her body close against the redhead's, giggling to herself once she felt Becky wrap an arm around her. They were face to face with one another, a smile on both of their faces. "You doing okay today?" Becky asked, shutting her eyes again and cuddling Charlotte close.

"Much better." Charlotte responded, tangling her legs with Becky's and dipping her head down to lay against her chest. She felt cozy and comforted snuggling with Becky. Her arms were strong, and her grip around her waist was firm, but not in a good way. A secure way.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday." Becky mumbled, threading her fingers through Charlotte's blonde waves, scratching at her scalp gently. She could still see the horrified look on the blonde's face once she'd witness the occurrence. The dislike she'd felt for herself during that moment was immense.

Charlotte said nothing, instead opting to cuddle further into Becky, almost burying herself against the smaller body. The redhead was warm and had a secure vibe emitting from her. If she could, she'd never leave Becky's grasp. She felt the calmest she'd ever felt in a while. She shut her own eyes, basking in the sweetness of the moment, smiling at the feeling of Becky's hand in her hair.

It was strange how a person she didn't know that well could make Charlotte feel so secure. Becky had always had a warmth about her, even though she was generally a tougher, more intimidating individual. Charlotte thought Becky was a bit of a douche when they first met, contrary to her assisting her with that creep that harassed her. Now they were cuddled on Becky's couch, Charlotte just spending the night. She supposed the redhead was just one of those people you had to spend a lot of time with. One of those awkward people that has a front up around the ones she doesn't know, or is used to. And if that was the case, Charlotte didn't blame her. There are lots of damaging people out in the world, sometimes it's better to be guarded.

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