02: Sharkbait

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You were surprised no one had noticed you still. The men were going to make a stop at Tortuga. You were far from where they had picked you up from. You had to go back before they noticed you were there. The smell of rum made you sick. The only time you smelled rum was when Lord Jackson and his other Lord friends had a party and Lady Margaret and the wives of the Lords sat at the living room warming their feet and gossiping about the town, while the older ones stitched blankets or clothes for the babies of the young Ladies or soon-to-be-born.

If that was the daily life of a Lady with almost more than five kids, that was not the life you wanted. You were so deep in your thoughts you never noticed men going below deck nor the blast of cannonballs nor the yelling nor the scattered gunshots.

"Why is a kid here?!" a man yelled as he stood up in front of you. You look at him from the bottom of his wooden legs, up to his belt with a golden skull and ruby eyes, and to his scarred face with a long grey beard and an eye-patch. You gulped hard before he grabbed you by the hair and pulled you out from below the deck. You screamed in pain as he yanked it back before you got blown by the cannonball passing by and shot some men in uniforms. You were in the middle of a war between land men and sea men.

The man walked to a small office and pulled you and pushed you inside. You slam against the floor and look up at the nasty man who had a grin plastered on his face.

"Stay put." he growled and slammed the door closed as another cannon was shot. You yelped and covered your head as the glass of the door broke revealing a man in a suit. He looked at you startled and walked to you.

"Stay away!" you yelled as he kept getting closer and you hit the edge of the messy desk.

You both looked towards the door as the door slammed open and he started swinging and clashing swords.

You hid behind the desk and got under it so you wouldn't get hurt. Your once nice hair is all messy and the bottom of your dress stained with dirt and rum. They really had to clean this place up.

You went to peak when you hit your head against the desk making a dagger drop. You looked at it and stood up. You see the pirate's sword go through the man's body and out like it was a wet piece of paper and come out all bloody. The men started cheering and the pirate grabbed your hair and dragged you outside while you groaned in pain.

"Let me go!" you yelled as he held you tight. They had won and there was blood and suited men's bodies on the floor.

"She was below deck, no wonder we got attacked." the pirate that had his grip on your hair said and a man approached you. He looked at you and grabbed a small chunk of your hair and ran it through his hands and inhaled deeply as if he were trying to catch the scent of your hair.

" 'Tis a good day for us ain't it? Do you know what happens when a girl is aboard?" he said looking at you dead in the eye.

"They bring bad luck to the men sailing...." his smirk faded into a frown and he leaned into your ear. "and then they die." he whispered as the man chuckled.

"Tie her up! She'll walk the plank mates!" the man yelled and everybody cheered as you got a rope tied around your torso and arms and they tied it as tight as they could. You saw as they dropped the plank and the man who once had his grip on your hair now had it on the tight thick rope and pushed you to the plank.

You stepped on the plank and turned around to face the crew.

"Aww are you going to cry?" a man who had nothing wrong with him but a fake eye mocked and you glared at him.

"My father taught me to never cry when a man wants me to be weak." you said and his smile turned into frown and he blindfolded you. You got turned around as he pushed you towards the edge and with his sword gave you a nudge. You could hear the man laughing and cheering.

Ocean's Treasure(BTS X Pirates of the Caribbean X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now