TTTNW Chapter 7

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Dedicated to yamatocookie for doing this AMAZING fan art! Go follow her! And the girl deleted her Kakashi love story coz no one was reading was only two chapters! Gosh lol she might rewrite it so..yea!



I snapped my eyes open in shock and saw Kiba standing there pointing a finger at the druken man with a scowl on his face. Him dashing forward was the last thing i saw before exhausation came over me.
Kiba's P.O.V

I glared at my mom, I didn't even do anything!

Slamming the door shut, i strode off in an unknown direction, just wanting to get away from the hell hole.

Hearing some commotion coming from a dark alley, i reached for a kunai and began walking towards it curiously. Peeking in, i saw an old hag conering someone with a mop of blue hair. My instinct took over and i pulled out the kunai shouting, "HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" The man swiveled his head around and at that moment, the person dropped to the floor and i saw her clearly: Akira!

The man started running and I immediately rushed to her side. She was unconscious and having no choice, i picked her up and walked out of the alley, and climbed the nearest tree there. I sat down on a thick branch and as it was not very big, Akira ended up sitting in front of me, her head resting on my chest. I looked down at her and felt my cheeks go warm. What is wrong with me?! 

Akira's P.O.V

I woke up to feel a warm source behind me. Cuddling into it, i turned my face around so it was facing the pillow. Wait a minute....why did my pillow feel so hard? I opened my eyes to be greeted by a mesh shirt. I blinked and stared at it for a while, my brain not processing anything after waking up. Feeling a vibration run through the shirt, i leaned back in surprise and saw Kiba trying to hold in his laugh.

I pouted. "What are you laughing at?" I grumbled. "Im..sorry..just..your face!!" He burst out laughing and accidentally fell of the tree, making me fall down with him as his legs were on either side of me.

Wait what?? I jumped down beside him and waited for him to stop laughing. "What were we doing in a tree and why were your legs around me?" " see.. i found you unconsious with an old guy and i was mad at my mom and didnt want to go back to the house and the branch was too small and-" I stopped him from rambling on and on by tackling him into a hug. "THANK U!" I grinned. He looked surprised that i wasnt mad at him. Rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, he replied "Yeah, no problem."

"I gotta get going Kiba, we're gonna have a mission today." Pushing myself off of Kiba, I smiled happily at him and ran towards the training grounds. Once Kiba was out of sight, i let my smile drop. For some reason i couldn't keep my smile no matter how much i want to.

"YOUR EVEN LATER THAN KAKASHI SENSEI!!!" Sakura and Naruto shouted. I winced again at their loud voice and replied sarcastically  "I got into some trouble last night and passed out. Sorry for being so weak." Kakashi looked at me curiously. I nodded at him, signaling that i would tell him later. "Okay i'll repeat the mission again for Akira. A cat named Tora has ran away and we are supposed to find him." He handed us a mouth piece microphone thingy and we attatched it to our ear.


"Sasuke,im in point B."

"Sakura, point C."

"Akira? Are you there?" Kakashi's voice was heard through the mic.

"Huh? Oh its my turn? Sorry, Akira um...what point was i?"

I heard someone facepalm and i chuckled quietly.
"Naruto, Im in point A believe it!"
"You're slow Naruto," Kakashi muttered. "Okay squad 7-"

"Target has moved!" Sasuke interupted. "Follow it!"
I sighed and trudged to the cat.
"Whats your distance from the target?" Kakashi asked. "5 meters, just give the signal, im ready." Naruto said.
"Im ready too."said Sasuke.
"Mm" said me.
"So am i" said Sakura.
"!" Kakashi shouted.
Three figures jumped onto Tora and Naruto fell to the ground struggling to keep Tora still. I sighed and walked over, trying to calm the cat down when it hissed at me. I looked at it surprised and hissed back. Tora became still in Naruto's arms. It jumped onto Naruto's head and eyed me carefully. I shrugged and walked back to the hokage tower.


"Oh my poor little Tora, mummy was so woried anout you-" And thats where i lost intrest. "Hahaha stupid cat, it deserves to be squashed." Naruto laughed.

"now then, for squad 7's next mission, we have babysitting the chief counsellor's three years old ,helping his wife do the shopping, growing potatoes-"

"NO!!" Naruto exclamined, making and x with his arms. "I wanna go on a real mission! Something chalenging and exciting, not this little kid stuff! Come on old man!" "HOW DARE YOU! YOUR JUST A BRATTY GENIN WITH NO EXPERIENCE! LIKE EVERYONE ELSE YOU START WITH SIMPLE MISSIONS TO DEVELOP YOUR SKILLS!" Iruka shouted. I muttered incoherent words as i rubbed my ears. Why does everyone have to be so freakin loud? "ARE YOU SERIOUS? BABYSITTING IS NOT A-"

I cut in angrily. "Everybody sit down and shut it.  I cant take anymore of this loudness, so please, Lord third, give us the C rank mission and everybody will be happy. " I continued rubbing my ears slowly and dared Naruto to say another word. Clearing his throat awkwardly, the hokage sent in Tazuna. "You will be bodyguards for this mission."

Tazuna stumbled into the room carrying a beer bottle. "What is this? A bunch of snot-nosed brats? Whats with the short one with the idiotic look on his face?" He slurred out. "Hahahaha! Whos the one with the idiotic look on his face?" Me, Sasuke and Sakura stood beside him. I was the same height as Sakura, Naruto being the shortest and Sasuke the tallest. Naruto growled. "I'll demolish you!"

"And you, the one with the ugly hair, don't you show any emotion? just standing there doing nothing, you look like you couldn't even hurt a fly!" I narrowed my eyes and turned to him. Sakura stepped back and even Naruto paused in his struggling to get out of Kakashi's grip. "I couldn't hurt a fly? What if i hurt you instead?" I pushed off the wall i was leaning on and walked towards Tazuna. Just as i was about to reach him, Kakashi pulled me back, but not before i got to whisper something in his ear. "Watch your mouth, drunktard, Don't want to insult my friends, would you?"

"Not you too, Akira.." Kakashi sighed. Tazuna gulped and continued what he was about to say. "I am Tazuna, master bridge builder and i must return to my country. I am building a bridge there that will change our word and i expect you to get me there safely, even if it means giving up your life."

"Go pack your bags and meet me at the gate in 10 minutes." Kakashi ordered. We nodded and ran off. Zabuza, Haku, i really don't want to hurt you...

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