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guys you have no idea how excited when i came back to write and see the reads go up. i was able to see i had gotten 12k on this book. i cant thank any of you enough, so if you're seeing this, i love you and you deserve the world. that's a thank you from me, not my persona august, but genuinely me, lana :)

 that's a thank you from me, not my persona august, but genuinely me, lana :)

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y.n let out an awkward laugh, waving their hands around in the cold air and jumbled their words to switch the topic " arent you guys hungry? i know i am why don't we just get something to eat?- " clay instantly muttered how he would grab the keys while nick cheered, not even thinking of being hungry before but just assumed he was. he followed behind clay, george sitting there confused " how are they just going to ignore that- " he mumbled.
y.n laughed, shaking their hand before giving him a serious look.

" shut the fuck up right now " george screamed from how serious y.n seemed, trying to step back in the process but only fell over onto the sofa. y.n laughed to this, walking over to sit next to him " you'll forget this when you go to sleep " y.n spoke, only crossing their legs to look at him. george muttered under his breath, waving his hands before he spoke up again " so, how did you meet clay? " y.n slightly tensed to the question, fiddling their fingers " i was looking for my cat, and i stopped by his house. "

" did you find it? " george asked, laying down to where his head was resting comfortably on their lap. they didn't mind it, they didn't even react but instead answered his question " no. i never did " george frowned, reaching a hand up and lightly slapping their cheek " i'm sorry, that must suck " y.n only shrugged, lightly rubbing his shoulder in more of a comforting way. to say that it was okay, mainly since they had no such animal that he thought they did. clay and nick both tumbled down the stairs in a rush to get down first.

george and y.n both glanced at each other, laughing at the sight of their friends before turning their attention to the childish boys ahead of them. " we found some burrito place near by and we wanna go!- " nick quickly spat out before he had gotten shoved by a taller blonde " liar! i didn't want that i want something else! " george scoffed at the loud bickering, crossing his arms " you guys are like actually children. just do rock paper scissors or something " george mumbled, y.n watching in amusement.

" best two out of three? " nick asked, already curling his hands into a fist. clay nodded, copying the ravenettes actions. after nick won and clay was being a brat, the group left to get the food, y.n was able to sit in the back with clay. it probably wasn't smart to let george drive but either way, he seemed sober enough to drive. clay smiled down at y.n, planting the back of his hand down on his thigh and nudged y.ns arm as to get their attention. y.n took the hint, locking their fingers with clays to smile up at his green eyes.

" sorry the boys have been stealing me away, it's been a while since we've been together like this " clay mumbled. y.n laughed quietly, mainly so nick and george wouldn't try and listen into their conversation " i don't mind, your relationship with them is cute " y.n joked, which only got a playful eye roll. " but i do miss your attention " y.n mumbled right after, lightly squeezing the pale hand that was in hers. clay glanced down at their e.c eyes, which weren't looking back at him but down at the floor of the car.

a raspy chuckled escaped the blonde boys throat, resting his head on y.ns " what a simp. but i missed you too. " he muttered, which made y.n sure that he wouldn't have been heard over the music and bickering in the front seat if they weren't so close. y.n smiled, diverting their attention to the front window. clay didn't mind, as long as y.n was with him — and along with how cheesy that sounded — he didn't care. he felt a smile grow on his face, tightly shutting his eyes so the fuzzy feeling in his chest would leave.

george slowly pulled into the drive thru line, glancing down and smiling at the sight at y.n and clay. nick looked back when he tried talking to george but had gotten ignored. nick smiled at his friend, knowing how lonely clay had been for a while — besides them of course, but they were different — . nick decided it would be the best to make a joke about it, crossing his arms before staring at george " why arent you like that with me? " nick asked, his tone playful but serious in a way. " wot? " george asked.

y.n and clay laughed at the reaction, george feeling his face getting warm from embarrassment. he shook his head, small poofs of brown locks swinging when he turned around to face the front. when the car pulled up to the window and the person working the shift had spoke up, nick instantly started screaming. this only made y.n and clay laugh even harder than before. george repeatedly apologized before ordering for everyone. the girl working had laughed and told us the total, before y.n jumped in.

y.ns window had rolled down, their head popping out as the chilly air smacked them right in the face " hey you sound hot! can i get your number? " y.n shouted, voice booming dramatically. the girls laughter rung loudly through the mic, choking out a ' sure ' while laughing. george rolled his eyes, driving off to go to the window. they waited there for a good five minutes in the car, all messing with y.n about what had just happened. the girl suddenly came back to the window, and she was hot, just like y.n said.

george went quiet, nervously grabbing the food. the girl had purple hair, and heavy eyeliner that fit perfectly around her eyes. purple locks were wavy and hung nicely off her shoulders. the only clothing she wore that you could see from the cars angle was a black shirt. " so like, i can still get your number right? " y.n asked. the girls playfully rolled her blue eyes, handing out a small piece of paper with a line of numbers neatly slapped onto it " here. the names minx. " the purple haired girl announced, an irish accent thick in her voice.

y.n nodded, getting back into the cold leather seat " y.n is my name, i'll text you here in a bit? " y.n spoke, which got a nod in return. george mumbled something to the girl at the window, which made her let out a snicker as she nodded once again. george drove off, and the boys in the car instantly started to burst out into laughter. " h-how did you do that? " nick stuttered through giggles, trying to calm down but only laughed more. clay scoffed, shaking his head.

" if i knew that worked i would've done that on y.n a lot sooner. " clay stated, giggling right after. y.n playfully rolled their eyes, scoffing as their face became warm " you so wouldn't you liar " y.n responded. nick and george both agreed with y.n, which only made clay pout. " you're such a baby " y.n playfully teased, clay rolling his green eyes " you love it. " he muttered, wrapping an arm around y.ns shoulder. y.n only shook their head, their hand bouncing around " oh whatever. "

sorry for taking so long to update :(( but honestly thank you so much for the support on this book, you guys have no idea how much it means to me🥺💕word count: 1305

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sorry for taking so long to update :(( but honestly thank you so much for the support on this book, you guys have no idea how much it means to me🥺💕
word count: 1305

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