part .8.

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Y/n heads back to class, whining and stomping over Heeseung's refusal to just tell the truth. She sees some guys playing basketball in the gym and goes in to talk to her friend, Jungwon. He's awfully popular, with a gaggle of girls screaming his name on the sidelines, though he turns out to be a bit of a heodang.

His teammates gripe when he lets the other team get a point and win the game, and Y/n steps in to get his back. Jungwon points out that he's made half the points in this game, but he just doesn't like getting hit, and then he uses Y/n as a shield when the guys go after him. Okay, I already love this guy.

Later Y/n keeps jungwon company while he shoots baskets, wondering why he plays when he hates physical contact and his teammates hate him. She whines about Real King being disbanded and Jungwon just grins at her cuteness. They share a strawberry milk and Y/n ignores a call from her mother, sure that she's heard about her getting demerits.

Mom is currently working in her cafe and having a meal with Heeseung's father, and the two seem to be old friends. He teases her for having no pride, and she preens cutely and says she doesn't show her pride to him - okay, she's precious. She wishes her daughter could meet a man like him.

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