Social Media's Power

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Zoella pov.

She can't leave. I just met her and I want to know more about her. I don't know whats her favourite colour, food, sport, animal, number, movie, song, actress. Think Zoe. Think. Think. Thi... GOT IT.
Youtube will work. I can post a small video telling my fans to support Jordan and maybe try to get her a job by recommending her.

"Destiny, Jordan. Maybe tomorrow y'all can go and search for Jordan a job. If she doesn't get one. Then... Well you know. And if you do then she gets to stay" I said suggesting and Destiny just stared and me with no expression at all just her tears starting to dry.

"Thats a great idea" Jordan said and Destiny nodded.

"Yes thanks Zoe." She said smiling at me and I smiled back. Step 1. Be alone in the house and film the video. Step 2. Edit the video and upload. Step 3. Wait till my amazing fans make everything possible. I love my fans so much. I can't thank them enough.

I went to my room and said my goodnights and went to sleep. Cant wait to make the video...

///////Next Day///////

"Good Morning" someone said waking me up. I opened my eyes just enough to see who was it and saw the most beautiful girl.

"Good morning."

Jordan pov.

"Good morning" she said in her raspy voice... I wish to hear that every morning. To give her a morning kiss. Me cooking for her waiting for her to hug me from behind. To be able to hold her hand in public and be proud at saying that she is mine.
Stop it! She haves a boyfriend. I hate to admit it but its true.

"Um sorry for waking you up." I said at her smiling and she just shook her head.

"Its ok I still need to get
use to the time." She said smiling and stretching. I giggled. Wow its been a long time since I haven't giggled.

"Jordaaaan! Did you just giggled!" Destiny said screaming and I laughed.

"I guess so." I said and smiled at Zoe. She smiled back. She is just amazing. She makes me happy.

"We are going to search for my job so do you wanna go?" I asked her hoping she would say yes.

"I would like to but I have stuff to do" she said fixing her hair and doing her bed.

"Oh ok well see you later" I said at her smiling. She turned around to look at me and smiled.

"Yea, good luck and I know you would get a job." She said winking at me. I blushed a little and I nodded.

"Thanks" I said and left the room.

Time to look for a job. Hope everything goes great. I really don't want to leave to Mexico.

Zoella pov.

They left the apartment and I took a shower and got ready. I started to connect the camera, check for the lighting and placed the camera in front of the bed.
I pressed record and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Hello everybody. I know I know I'm back. But its not for sure. Guys I need your help. I am staying with 2 girls in the apartment. Is Destiny and Jordan." I said pointing somewhere for me to place a photo of them.
"Jordan is a chef but she couldn't get a job so she wants to move to Mexico so she could get one. Knowing you guys, you make everything possible. I need your help to make her dreams possible and get a job for her. You can recommend her to any restaurant. Please guys. I love you guys and y'all are amazing people. Have a good day and I will see you later." I said and turned off the camera.

Time to edit this video. I put my background music and I placed the pictures of Jordan and Destiny and I can't help but smile. Im so excited for this video. I finished editing the video and watch it just to make sure.

"Now lets upload this." I said and went to YouTube and uploaded the video. Its says is going to take 3 hours but YouTube always lies and takes more or less.

Guys I hope you like this part beacuse this part didint saved sooo it just deleted Itself. I fell asleep with my phone turn on and it ran out of battery so I didnt saved it. :/ hope you enjoy. Love guys <3

Destiny pov

We went too all the restaraunts you can think of. Bliss, The Granary 'Cue and Brew, The Esquire Tavern, The Luxury, Rosario's, Schilo's Delicatessen, Sandbar Fish House, Dough Pizzeria Napoletanaand even Olive Graden!

I need to find Jordan a job.

"Do you wanna go ask NAO at the Culinary Institute of America?" I said looking at her and back to the road.

"No way they will immediately say no. Destiny this is just pathetic. I even got a no from Olive freaking Garden..." She said pissed off. She stare outside the windows car.
"Lets just go back to the apartment" she said in a hush tone. I nodded.

I need to do something about this I don't want her to leave. What will Zoella do about this? She really likes Jordan...

Jordan pov.

That was pathetic. Everybody said no. NAO at the Culinary Institute of America is the best and they will say no just seeing me or just hearing about me. It was my dream being there. But now I'm leaving to Mexico...

I got inside the apartment letting behind Destiny. I sat in my bed a.k.a the sofa.
I just let a long sigh that I've been holding on and that made me relax.

"We can try tomorrow again" Destiny said sitting down at my side. I immediately respond at her.

"Hell no, Destiny today was a disaster. I got rejected by all of them. There is no way Im going back. I leave in 2 days" I said at her pissed off.
I have every right to be angry. I have every right to say 'I don't deserve this'.

"But..." She said but I cut her off getting angrier.

"Destiny. No. Im leaving and that is it. I can't stay here. I need a job... I don't...

"Please... Stop..." Someone said and I turned too look over just too see Zoe with her eyes watering... Her voice cracking... Her heart cracking. My heart cracking.

"Zoe..." I said but nothing came out of my mouth.

"You will get a job. I know you will. I believe it. Destiny... Stay strong. Jordan keep your hopes high. I know you will get it" she said smiling at us.

Those words made me look up. I can do this I know I will. Zoe knows it and Destiny too.

Zoella pov.

I said those words with all my heart.

"Thanks Zoe... I don't know what I will do without you." Jordan said smiling

"You will probably go to Mexico and do something stupid" I said shrugging. Her and Destiny laugh.

"Soooo. lets do something. We are wasting time here. we could be watching movies or... Watching movies. Or watching movies... OHH AND WATCHING MOVIES." I said smiling and they laughed they nodded.

"I'll put the popcorn and Destiny you chose the movie. Jordan umm blankets" I said at Jordan winking at her and she blushed and nodded.

She is so cute when she blushes. I could eat her in a taco! Ok not.
I started doing the popcorn and put it in a bowl and place it in the sofa. Destiny put on "Pitch Perfect" and Jordan got the blankets.

Jordan sat in the middle, Destiny on her right side and I was in her left side.

The movie started and Destiny turned off the lights and she sat down. I checked my iPhone to check the video that I uploaded.
Holy shit...
Social Medias Power!!!

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