3 | Friends and Fun

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A/N In this story I am using my friends who also like 5sos as some of the characters 😊 A photo of Jessica is above, enjoy!

5:30pm and my friend arrives back from her holiday to Australia, I run to the door to meet her "JESSY" I yell. We hug and I take one of her bags as we make our way to her room, "you did a lot of shopping didn't you" I giggle as I slowly haul the extra heavy bag up the stairs. Jessica muttered "maybe a little" really meaning she did ALOT of shopping, it was 6pm when we finished unpacking her bags and it was still really hot, we decided to go for a swim in the pool out back.

While we were changing into our bikinis I told her about the new boys that moved in next door, moments later I was at their front door, in a bikini, asking if they wanted to come for a swim. This was responded by all 4 boys disappearing and coming back with shorts on ready to swim, as they was the pool all four sprinted past me and bombed into the pool.

Jessica swam over to me and said "well are you going to introduce me, I already have my eyes on one" we turned to the boys and I said this is my friend Jessica, she lives with me. Jessica, this is Callum, Ashton, Luke and Michael.

Now 10pm Jess and I called it a night and went inside for dinner, as we left the boys started waving, just as we closed the door they whistled, we turned and they all had their hands in love hearts. Giggling we run inside and have the nightly gossip session.

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