Chapter 1: I Can't Believe You Made Me Do This!

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"Can't believe you've made me do this," Jaron groaned, pressing a hand to his forehead. He was dangling from a tree by his right ankle. "What am I going to tell Imogen?"

"The truth, for starters," countered Roden. A flicker of a smirk crossed his face when Tobias agreed. "And I'll point out that we didn't pressure you into doing anything."

"I specifically told you that you'd get into trouble, and you didn't listen. Again," Tobias dragged his sleeve across his forehead, obviously thinking of ways to solve the problem before them.

The morning started out quite well.

Almost too well.

Roden was called away to investigate a broken bridge, as it had been dismantled several times over the course of a month and forced travelers to find different routes into Drylliad.

It seemed like something the regents needed to take care of. . .

And the matter was left alone for several weeks.

Until news came that an entourage of a lesser Bymarian king was to come to Drylliad. He was coming simply to rub elbows with Carthya, and discuss political matters with the former Princess Amarinda, who'd become an ambassador upon her marriage to Tobias.

Jaron had been told that Bymarian entourages traveled in three parts.

At the head was usually a trusted guardian, followed by the person holding a seat of power, and then followed by a decoy of some sorts.

The bridge was dismantled quickly after word of the lesser king's arrival spread throughout the area. A dozen soldiers were sent to mandate the bridge building and ensure that it stayed intact.

But no word had come from them in two weeks.

Roden himself decided to figure out who was causing the destruction.

And, unable to pass up a chance to do something, Jaron announced that he'd be going too.

Which meant that Tobias had to accompany them in the event that somebody was injured.

An all too likely event considering that both Roden and Jaron were going, and the whole ordeal reeked of bandits.

The ride out to the bridge was eerily calm.

Tobias was sure that not even the birds were singing. The sun was shining with the perfect amount of heat and light, and the bugs were hiding in their crevices. No villagers walked along the road.

Not a single soul.

It didn't take long to figure out why.

With the bridge in sight, Roden insisted on dismounting and keeping their horses out of the way. The horses were secured to a hanging branch a little ways off the road.

An icy fear crept up the back of Tobias' neck once they returned to the road.

No sign of any bandits.


They were being watched, Tobias was sure of it, otherwise he wouldn't have felt so exposed. Energy seeped through the pretty afternoon.

Powerful and unnerving.

Roden didn't speak, Tobias could only assume that he was preparing himself for a bloody confrontation. However, Jaron continued to speak to Tobias concerning the repeatedly broken bridge.

"It's annoying," Jaron was saying. "The workers seem more than happy about it, considering that they're getting paid for the repairs. I want to know why. What's to gain from this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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