Chapter 3: Dream come true

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James broke apart from Lily first, his face was beaming. Lily didn't say a word she was sitting there frozen. James began to laugh and Lily joined in. James stoped laughing he had a very serious expression on his face, what? Asked Lily, well can I let my friends hang out in our common room? He asked, Lily gave him a look that said that's all you had to ask? So he asked, sure she said boringly, YEEEAAAY he exclaimed, no more mature then you used to be she mumbled. Goodnight she said, as she pushed him hurriedly out of her dorm and gave a big fake yawn. Goo-, but he was cut off when she closed the door, he walked to his dorm and flopped on the big kind sized bed. Staring out the window at the quidditch pitch, his first day back at Hogwarts and he kissed Lily Evens. That thought ran through his head for a while as he drew the khaki curtains closed, he walked over to the cherry food desk that opposite his wardrobe. He found some parchment and begin to write her a note, he looked over it a couple times to make sure it looked good. He tied it to the leg of his brown owl, toot, and sent it to Lily. Then he opened his wardrobe to find a suitable outfit to wear the next day, perfect he thought as he pulled the pieces from his closet. Lily was getting ready for bed as an owl flew in her window, oh she said as she untied the note from his leg this is from James is it? She opened and inside it read: dearest Lily, will you please meet on the Hogwarts grounds at 1:00 this Saturday? Please where your finest outfit. Oook enough with all the fancy Nancy stuff, just make sure your there and your outfit meets the requirements, love you to the quidditch pitch and back, James. Lily thought for a moment before rushing to her wardrobe to pick out her finest dress, this will meet the requirements she said as pulled the dress from her closet and laid it on her bed. She then decided to head to bed, she changed into her nightgown and tucked her self under the covers.

Sorry this was also a short chapter, I just know the next one will be longer xoxo Addie

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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