Kunigami x Reader Drabble

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STATUS: Crosspost with my Tumblr



TYPE: Fluff :)) & an established relationship

REQUESTED BY: senordazai

NOTES: I'm so sorry I haven't updated in almost a week! I'll try to get 2 more up this week but we'll see if I find the motivation to ahaha... This isn't a super good drabble or anything... but it's something I guess. I promise I'll have more at least somewhat decent content up soon! TwT


𝕄𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝕠𝕗 ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘

The two of you were walking back from school together one autumn day and a smile crept up on your face. Rensuke. There wasn't really anything to talk about- but that was okay.




"No, keep going, I'm curious now."

"Really, it's nothing- I just wanted to say your name."

"Hmm... (Y/n)."

You chuckled a little. "Rensuke,"


And moments like these happened often with you two. Moments of nothing were not uncommon but they meant a lot to you. Every single day, you looked forward to more moments of nothing with him. These moments will pile up after time and before you know if, you'd have wasted your life away with him.

Whether they meant anything to him was unknown but it didn't matter too much, as long as you were with him, you couldn't be happier.

The air felt cool on your skin and made you smile yet again as it reminded you of something sweet. Around a year ago, on a day much like this one, you shared your first kiss. It was a little colder than it was today but you were both far too nervous to notice such a measly difference in the weather.

You chuckled at that memory, now a kiss was no longer something to hope for but in fact something the two of you needed.

"Hmm?" he asked looking at you after he heard you chuckle.

"Oh, ahaha," you said. "Just remembering something..."

"I was... remembering something too..." he said. You turned to face him and to your surprise, there was a light blush covering his cheeks.

"R-Ren?" you said and soon enough your cheeks were the same shade as his. Your heart started to beat a little faster for no reason at all and everything became slightly awkward but slightly exciting.

You watched his eyes wander around until they met yours again, but he quickly looked away and he mumbled a few words. "...a kiss?"

And so the two of you shared a kiss- short but meaningful and filled with love, making both of you smile as 'I love you's slipped out of your mouths.

Just like this, the two of you had many, many overexaggerated moments of nothing- absolutely nothing and although you thought that you didn't mind if they didn't mean anything to him, deep inside you hoped that each of these little nothings hold a place in his heart.

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