Chapter 14 - Search and Rescue

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10:31 Am
Dimitri was driving through Sydney in a black jeep. With his phone off and armed with a concealed gun and a earpiece in his right ear he pulled over and turned his phone on. He sat there and waited until a convoy of black jeeps rolled passed .Dimitri slipped into gear and started following the convoy. Turning on his earpiece he started listening to the Radio chatter. And spoke into his phone "This is colonel Mintrivinski (Min-tri-vin-ski) Raptor 1 you will receive a new raptor advise raptor 10."
"Colonol ,understood Raptor 10 will be waiting for tail" Another black jeep drove past followed by another 2 large trucks and a tank and then a black jeep. then 5 black jeeps started creeping along side the convoy and Dimitri joined them.

With a 3 lane convoy of 11 vehicles you start to wonder what is so important that they're carrying? we'll you have to wait. A helicopter started guarding the convoy until we reached a set of lights . Dimitri hacked the traffic lights to turn red and left them that way. He got out of the car and stuck a box under the truck and did the same for the other. Then Dimitri raced back to the car and set the lights back to green.The convoy moved on until a tanker truck overturned and blocked their path. Men from the jeeps started to check if the driver was okay and starting radioing for help and reporting in. Dimitri made a phone call and said "Go" within moments. 4 red utes ambushed the convoy and the convoys attention turned to them. With the red utes humming one of the men yelled out "Omg it's Legion!" with their distinctive logo of two guns and a grenade with a red background. 8 men stepped out if the utes with a set of heavy armour from head to toe. They all grabbed a automatic machine gun from the back and then yelled "Hand over the cargo or die!" The helicopter buzzed over and all the men took positions and cover to ready a fight. the helicopter started to open fire. The legion stood there with bullets hitting the armour till no effect.suddenly an explosion from the helicopter caught everyone's attention . The helicopter started spinning put of control and crashed into the distance.The men opened fire with their inferior weapons. Bullet after bullet did no damage to the legion and the legion opened fire . one of the trucks opened its doors and there a full arsenal of weapons . men clambered in and grabbed rocket launcher and heavy weapons and started killing the legions troops one by one. but the legion kept moving forward. Dimitri pressed a button and then the armoury exploded. Men were now pressed against the tanker as legion opened fire . "Big Bang go" Dimitri reversed his jeep to a safe distance and the BOOM the tanker exploded. All that remains were some jeeps and the other truck and tank.

10:42 Am

There was smoke and fire Dimitri started loading weapons of war and the legion opened the back of the remaining truck and out came a little girl and boy. "Oh thank you so much where's daddy and mommy?!" The legion answered "We'll take you too them come with us." the children agreed and went off with the legion. Dimitri now all alone saw the tank and found it was a fake. And so decided to leave it there and eventually sirens came to sound and Dimitri drove off. He knew those two children , they were ones taken hostage by the government to stop the legions leaders from attacking and causing terror but most of all Dimitri was happy he saved innocent lives and hoped one day he could make a better government and stop the madness. He was off to see the Legions boss when he received a text it stated
"<\Message from "Garry Ramirez">@10:44AM
"This is SARA message - Garry Dimitri requires help as he is unconscious and about to die his life signs are critical please respond. coordinates at
-ULYSSES Safehouse.- Hostile units-1 Other -Larissa is near this location. -MESSAGE WAS ALSO SENT TO @ROSE @Samantha @Jimmy @Larissa @Conor_Williams

Message end--- "

Dimitri out his foot down and his phone in drive mode and sped towards Garry .

10:45 AM

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