Deadly Presence- Chapter 17

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10:36 AM
"ugh my head..." The room was a high pitch and on fire I heard footsteps running towards me. There was a figure , it took its hand out and searched my body until it found the phone. "Hey thats Roses phone ! give it back!" it grabbed the phone and it grabbed a gun and shot. The figure spied Garry's phone and took it.

Garry was dead bleeding all over. The murderer escaped , The man who was a tank had gone. Larissa woke to the gunshot and realised Garry wasn't around and so she went look ,up the stairs and into the office where she started crying , where Garry laid dead.

10:45 AM Two cars pulled up outside ,Samantha and Dimitri got out and saw Larissa carrying Garry's dead corpse towards them. Dimitri and Samantha ran to Garry. And laid him on the ground , A third car pulled up and Rose got out and ran towards Garry seeing him dead was a horrific sight for all. Dimitri bravely spoke, "Who shot him...was it you Larrissa?" Larissa started crying "No it wasn't me i don't know who..." "WHO SHOT HIM,WAS IT YOU!" Dimitri pulled his gun out and aimed at Larissa head. "Dimitri you know it wasn't me i just fund him like this..." Dimitri saw the truth in Larissa eyes and lowered his gun. Rose spoke "Do you think ,that James Sanderson did this?. There was a deadly silence and then sirens. They all got into their, vehicles and they left Garry's Corpse and said their farewells in tears and left.

Driving away they headed towards Jimmy to see if James was the Culprit. As they all parked their cars on the street and headed inside. "Oh hey you guys A what you doing here" Jimmy who was fixing a computer downstairs saw the 4 walk in. "oh hey where's Garry?" Dimitri spoke and explained to Jimmy that Garry was killed.Jimmy just sat down in shock, the room was silent filled with tears and pain. Jimmy eventually clearing up invited them all upstairs and agreed to Dimitri's request of checking James Sanderson's phone. jimmy booted his computer and went and started hacking . Going through personal files and recent locations he found that it was James ...and that he was there in the warehouse at the time of Garry's death. "James was in the warehouse at the time of Garry's Murder ..." Roses phone started ringing and she gestured to everyone that it was important.

Larissa thought of something and she remembered there were 4 people at the warehouse the two killers from Legion and Herself and Garry. "Jimmy who was the other man with James?" . jimmy hooked up Larissa's phone and accessed who was near her at that time there were 3 names ; James Sanderson, Garry Ramirez, Rose . "Looks like no one else,maybe he had no phone?" Larissa figured something else... "What's was roses phone doing there!?" jimmy recalled his memory "Oh because Garry borrowed her phone to get his one repaired , and he was meant to give it back to her, well that's what he told me when we were having coffee" Larissa dismissed her thoughts but something wasn't right...Rose came back from her call and asked what was going on? . Larissa looked over and asked "When did you last see Garry ?" she replied "At the safe house he needed a job so I lent him my phone to go on a mission for I think 10 grand in cash? You can ask Samantha she was there with Amy. Larissa looked over to Samantha and explained that Garry did leave for a job

if you realised the problem here - Good job Sherlock!!! if you haven't read the next chapter to see what's wrong!

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