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After my father made his speech, about how proud he was and proceeded down memory lane about our battles. I finally got the chance to get away for a bit. I was in the garden when I heard a noise. I turned and was face to face with the woman. I was about to speak when she finally spoke.

"Your as beautiful as they say and lethal as they come."

I walk towards her. Legs apart arms down.

"Who are you?"

"I'm someone who's a nobody. I'm not of nobility in France. I don't know anybody here actually, except one. I'm from Latvia. I came here with a noble. You might know him actually. He's the one you stuck in the closet"

"Your one of his whores I guess?" She walks towards the bench in front of the lillies and sits

"Yes and no. I was sold to him. My parents didn't have enough money back home so they sold me. Sorry, how rude of me. My names Lorelei."She holds her hand out for me to shake but I look at it. She pulls back and she adds" I know. A woman of your nobility would not shake a sold whores hand. I apologise"

"No need for apologies. I didn't shake your hand because your a sold whore as you put it.Its just I'd rather be informed as what you want with me" I reply

"Oh sorry. I just wanted to meet you. You seemed so far away." Is she a lunatic

I walk toward the bench and stood right in front of her. "Your a lycan aren't you? Your rogues are to much trouble. I've gotten tired of killing them. An easy kill is a boring kill.I'm surprise all your packs and Alpha's haven't gotten control of them yet."

She doesn't seem to feel remorse for her kind. Then again nobody likes a rogue. They are another species of Lycans.They kill for fun. Lycans on the other hand like to play house and find their mates. I'm interrupted by my thoughts when the girl taps my knee. I look down to her and she stares at me as if I'm familiar.

"You don't have any female friends do you?" She pulls her hand from her lap and brushes her curls away from her face

"No. Not if you count my pack doctor Maribel. I don't like royal females. They annoy me with their gossip. And their practically afraid to approach me", I reply

I quickly add "Your different"

"I guess thats because I remember someone I use to know who reminded me of you.Cold hearted and determined. He always had these cold eyes. Thirsty for a next kill. He intrigued me just like you did. That's all I remember from him" she says

"Your description of me is lucid yet somewhat of truth. I am a killer. I was trained to be. That is all" I take a seat next to her and face her. For some reason I'm drawn to this girl. I don't know what it is but I have this urge. I can't quite understand it yet. Why am I still speaking to her. She's quiet for a bit and then she speaks

"I have to leave he might have woken now. I hope to see you someday. When we meet again". As she's about to walk away I grab her hand. I don't know why I'm doing this but I have a protectiveness toward this mutt

"You will not be leaving with him. You will leave with Byson. He will take you to my Villa in Spain. I will give you $10,000 to survive on for 2 years. Then you will leave my villa and start a life. I will deal with Vice. I will call for Byson. Wait here"

"Why are you doing this you harldy know me? I'm just a whore. I'm not really worth saving. My parents didn't think so" I look at her for a bit and then I say

"I need you to not question me. All I know is that I'm going with my gut feeling. And my gut feeling is telling me to get you away from him. It usually works in combat; so I'm using it. Okay."

I get up and run towards the doors where I spot Byson. He's one of my sparring partners. I've known him for 7 years. He's a trustworthy adversary. A buff native with long black hair and brown eyes. One of the best swordsman in France.

I finally catch up to him.

"Byson, I need your services. Specifically a task. There's a woman I want you to take to my Villa in Spain. Do not ask questions or why. Just come with me" I demand.

"Yes, Ma'm"

"You know I hate formal names Byson"

"I completely forgot" He replys sarcastically

I run towards the door and I spot her sitting the same way I left her. I approach her and tap her shoulder and she looks up

"I don't know why I'm doing this. I don't understand. But for some reason I need you safe. Leave and never come back to France. Its risky especially knowing Vice he doesn't give up. I should know. After 2 years when you leave head to Barcelona and go to Lina and tell her that Amelia sent you. She's a royal advisor. She'll know. Now leave"

I turn to Byson "Take her there now. He'll be here soon."


I turn towards the girl and as I'm about to speak; her lips smack against mine. Her lips moving against mine and her pert nipples rubbing against my chest. She stops.

"Thank you very much. I will never forget your kindness" . I hand her the money from my bag and they leave almost immediately. A first kiss from a woman. Oh, well.

As I'm about to walk into the party I run into him

"Where is she?!! You smell of her"

"Who is this she you speak of?" I play aloof. Tucking strands of my hair through my finger.

"Don't fuck with me Amelia or i'll...." I cut him off

"Or you'll what, Hurt me? You and I know you could never do that. I could kill you before you even tried to touch me. Do not threaten me Vice or you'll regret it". He's frozen in his spot. Terrified. By now he can see that my eyes are pitch black. No pupils nothing. I've seen this happen before. Its when I trap my victim. They're frozen and they stay in that place until I attack. Its like their brain and muscles are in a permanent frozen stasis. Its a euphoric state for me

I'm about to attack but I'm held back.

"Amelia, Calm down honey. I need you to think clearly. Slow down your hearbeat. Focus on my voice honey and breath" I do as she says. When I'm finally calm I turn around coming face to face with my mother.

"I have to go"I reply. I'm about to leave when I hear him

"Y-your a..a..a demon. What are you? Your eyes they turned picth black" He stutters furiously

When I go to reply my mother steps in

"Get out of my house!! NOW!"she whisper shouts

Her voice immediately catches the attention of my father. But before my father catches hint of whats going on. Vice has already fled. Nobody likes to come across my father.

My father arrives and asks

"What's going on?"

"Nothing honey. Just a little misunderstanding. Lets go. People are starting to pay attention. Lets join the party."

And we join them. But thats when I meet him..

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