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We reached back to the party back in time. The atmosphere was dying down and father announced that the party was finally over. People were gone and maids were cleaning up. I was ecstatic that it was finally done and over with. I went to the kitchen for a drink of O neg an went up to the living room where my mom was seated. I got my looks from my mother. She was a gorgeous woman. Her hair was jet black and her skin was porcelain. Her eyes were as ember as they could get. An orange tint with brown speckles. I could sense her curiosity and my father was nowhere to be found. I guess it had something to do with the surprise he apparently had for me. I walked towards my mom while she reached out for my hands and guided me to sit next to her. I was about to speak but she interrupted me..

"I know what you did. Byson already informed your father and I. I'm both confused and intrigued. When he said you wanted to save someone, I didn't know what to think. But I was happy. Vice is a monster towards "the sold". She embraced me in a hug for a bit and let go.

I was quick to reply, "I don't understand why I did it. I don't know if I ever will. I don't know if it was a good thing or bad thing. I usually kill and ask questions later. All I know is death. I was never told to save. My gutt feeling you could say, saved her",I reply. She looks a me for a bit and then gets up and speaks."You still have some humanity left in you. Its a good thing darling".

My mother was quiet for a bit. She was about to say something else, but my father decided to make his presence known. He was walking towards us. But someone was behind him. A guy. Seemed to be around 17 or 18. Dull blue eyes with black rings around his pupils. Pale skin. About 6 '0 feet.His hair was shaved slightly on both sides, but you could still see some light growth. His hair was long on top, just enough for him to have it slicked back. Some hairs were were coming loose in the front.His hair was darker shade of blonde. And those lips were a light pink, pink as cotton candy. They were plump and succulent. And for some reason they did something to me. And I hated it.

"Who is this?" I spat out venomously

When my father sat on the couch across from us, my mother seated herself.

The man just stood there staring and scanning his surroundings. My father was the first to interrupt the silence.

"Well, I guess your wondering who this young man is" He stroked his beard for a bit but then added "His name is Sebastian Caivali. He's 17. was born and raised in Moscow. His Parents are Sevatzia and Roman Caivali. Both work as merchants. He was sold to us from a good friend of mine in Russia. It wasn't an involuntary agreement. Both parties agreed. He is here as your personal butler, Amelia. Sebastian is a Valpyrus. He is a vampire of our species. They have worked for Purebloods for many centuries. Some have their own life and some work for Purebloods.Valpyrus's are a strong and intelligent specie" He explained.

I stood momentarily and walked towards my father and passed the man. I faced my father head on and spoke.

"No! What do I need a butler for? I may be born from this family of royalty, but I refuse to have someone following me and carrying things for me. I am NOT incapable. You of people should know, Father", I yelled furiously.

I was gunning for an exit when my father's voice froze me.

"Amelia, I understand. I know your not incapable. But he is a very important asset to you. I will not argue with you. You will agree with this." His word is law. I have no choice

"Fine. But I will not like this arrangement! You stubborn old fart" I spat.

I look towards my father than to this Sebastian person. He looked calm and cool in this situation and it fustrated me. I wanted nothing more than to skin him alive. He looked straight into my eyes for a minute than looked away quickly. He looked determined almost. I wanted nothing more than to break him. I walked upstairs and entered my room and locked it.

I quickly went for a shower. I put on my silk see through lace singlet with a silk short. I walked out of the bathroom and there he was. On the edge of my bed sitting. I was annoyed to say the least. He was on my fucking bed. My sanctuary.

"Get off my bed" I said monotone.

And he did. He walked towards me and held out his hand for me to shake but I didn't shake it.He withdrew his hand and proceeded to speak.

"Nice to meet you. I guess we kind got off on wrong foot. I apologise for invading your personal space", He just stood there with a smug grin on his face. Almost as if he was challenging me. I could feel his eyes scanning my body. Carefully and ever so slowly.

Its then that I realized I wasn't wearing a bra and my top was completely see through. But I didn't react. I simply said, "You know staring at my breasts is sexual harassment. I could have you fired you pervert". Now that got his attention. But he didn't look scared at all. He just looked bored.

"I apologise Ms. Giavante. Forgive me", he said simply

I was comfortable with my nudity.My breasts were perky and round. My bust was a D cup. Very annoying to handle during combat training. My body had curves in all the right places. I was fit to say the least.

"I don't forgive incompetence. I really don't care for your existence. You'll get in my way. I have training tommorow and I don't have time for this. Now leave!" I walked past him only to have him grab my wrist. He really fucked up. I reached around and grabbed him by the throat slamming him into the wall. But I was not expecting what happend next. He was moaning. The sick little bastard was moaning. Then he was begging. "Please, More. Please". I dropped him on the floor immediately. I backed up towards the vanity and pointed towards the door "Get out now! Leave". He got up dusted himself off and walked to the door.He glanced back at me and then he left.

I wasn't freaking out. I was excited. For some reason I wanted to continue. I wanted him to feel good. I enjoyed hurting him. And I wanted to do it again. I've never never had something pleasure me so much sexually. I knew at that point I was wet. I was soaked and by now I realized that I had a very noticeable wet pacth forming.This servant boy awakened something in me I never knew existed. But I couldn't indugle in it. I had more important matters than to deal with my bodys sexual needs. I needed to sleep. Maybe by then it would go away.

Would it go ...away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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