Six: Escape

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I finally stop laughing and look at the agents.
"Do you regret killing your mother?" Agent Hotchner asked me. I laugh a short but effective dark laugh.
"Does me laughing maniacally, show me as remorseful, Agent Hotchner? Of course I don't regret it! If I could, i would kill her all over again. Because she deserved to die. She was mentally and physically abusing me and she didn't feel remorse for it." I start looking at the agent with a murderous look on my face which actually scared him.
"So why should I feel remorse for killing her?" I continued and I chuckle once again.
The agents take my father out of the room. I then notice a window open. I smirk psychotically.
I then climb out of the window and run away and went to hide.

Aaron Hotchner's POV
I am talking with Prentiss about Jerome.
"I never seen an unsub like Jerome before. He full on enjoyed killing his mother. You can tell." Prentiss says. I nod.
"Definitely. He is definitely really dangerous especially with his mental state. He definitely is a sociopath. One of the scariest ones at that." I explained. Then an officer came running over to us.
"Jerome has escaped, Agent Hotchner." He says to me in a panic.
"Set out a B.O.L.O immediately." I tell him.
"Plus he is extremely dangerous with his mental state." Prentiss also tells the officer.
The officer nods and immediately leaves.
I look at Prentiss with worry.
"We need to find him before he hurts anyone else, or worse kills anyone else." Prentiss says. I nod in agreement.

Jerome Valeska Charles|| A Gotham And Criminal Minds CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now