Chapter 13: Two Roommates.

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Surprised to consternation, Xiao Luo soon calmed down and introduced himself generously: “Hello everyone, my name is Xiao Luo. I will attend classes and study together with you in the future. Please take care of me!”

With that, he bowed politely and humbly.

However, his words did not receive any response. All the girls in the class looked at him as if they are appreciating a cultural relic. As the saying goes, thinness is the most important thing. As soon as Xiao Luo, a handsome fellow, entered the classroom, the sophomores in the English department looked straight in his eyes. {1}

Xiao Luo is embarrassed at this time. Although he had his fair share of being in a crowd as he even presided over a product development that has 20 or 30 people to participate in the big meeting, but now by 40 or 50 girls is looking straight at him, he still can’t find his balance.

“Ahem … what are you all doing? Welcome your new classmate!” Counselor Qin Nanyu gave a dry cough as a reminder.

At this time, all the girls in the class responded and warmly applauded Xiao Luo. Some shouted for classmates, some for handsome boys, and some for Obama, not to mention how enthusiastic and attentive they were. Their mood was several times higher than when the class was just over. {2}

“Welcome, handsome Xiao. My name is An Huan. I don’t have a boyfriend yet. Can you give me your phone number?” A petite and lovely, sweet-looking girl stepped onto the platform, took out her mobile phone and directly asked for Xiao Luo’s phone number.

The whole class immediately booed …

“An Huan, even a big fellow from northeast China can’t satisfy you? Don’t curse our handsome Xiao anymore. ”

“Correct, don’t dare to pedal two boats, believe it or not we’ll hang you up and fight.”

“Now we finally have a boy in our class who can take the shots. It’s not up to you to be his boyfriend. Get down and get down quickly.”

The whole class of girls joined in the crusade.

“Go, go, you are just jealous, jealous I tell you!”

The girl named An Huan pouted, unconvinced but didn’t reply, she instead approached Xiao Luo. She said in an odd way, “Xiao Handsome Don’t listen to them, you should be careful of them, because they eat men, and they don’t even vomit bones.”

Xiao Luo managed to squeeze out a smile. It felt like he had not come to an English major class, but instead fell into a wolf’s nest, and all of them were female wolves.

Before he could say anything, a large group of girls ran up to him and asked for his phone number, WeChat and QQ. They were very excited and seemed to have met a superstar.

But there are also indifferent ones, such as a girl sitting on the left side on the front row.

The girl had a neat short hair with neat ears, and her hair briefly covered up her charming face, which was flushed with drunkenness because of shyness. Her delicate and fresh facial features looked smart and attractive.

The white strapless dress properly presented natural folds on her arms, wrists and chest. Lace lines extend all the way along her graceful waist to her disheveled skirt. The skirt covered with tulle is tinged with light gold. The typical small jasper is not exaggerated or thin, with proper sweet shoulders, pink cheeks, full and introverted breasts and hips.

Clear water gives rise to lotus, pure and elegant, and the lollipop in her ruddy little mouth adds playfulness to her.

“Bai ling, check his information, I suspect that he was sent in by my stinking father.” Her eyes were fixed on Xiao Luo, who was surrounded by all, but her words were addressed to the girl sitting next to her.

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