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You sit in your room, on your moderately comfortable bed, doing different entertaining things on your phone. You hear the sounds of the bustling city right outside of your sixth floor apartment building window. It was an average January night in New York. Cold, rainy, but you liked it that way, it made you calm in a sense.

It was Sunday night, well actually it was Early Monday morning. You realized this by glancing at the time to see that it read 1:36am. You groan, not ready to partake in resting for a reasonable amount of time.

After a few minutes of procrastination, you let out a sigh as you reluctantly come to the conclusion that you should probably get some sleep, seeing as you have to be up in about five hours. Tomorrow was the first day back at school since winter break started.

While you loved your school, you hated the idea of school. For example, having to go to basically a prison for six or more hours a day, having to do homework that doesn't really teach you anything, having to be around hundreds, if not thousands of other hormonal teenagers that don't know how to function most of the time, but those are just a few things, you could list many more.

You get off your bed to complete your nightly routine. First, you change into your pajamas, and wash your face. You then head down the hall to your apartment's living room to grab your cat named Beans. His full name was Coffee Beans Y/L/N, but you called him Beans for short. You walk him, and yourself back to your room. You check the time, 1:48am it reads.

"Mom should be home soon," you say to Beans. He responds with a simple,"Meow." You smile at him. Your mom worked as a waitress, and a bartender which was why she usually came home so late. She was a single mother. She said that before you were born, your father had died in a freak accident. She didn't want to re-marry saying that she had already found her soulmate once, and that it wasn't possible for her to find one again. Whenever you asked about your father, she usually wouldn't tell you much, but you could understand why. You wouldn't want to talk much about the love of your life if they were deceased.

You kiss Beans on the head, then lay yourself down on the bed. "Goodnight Beans, sleep tight and make sure to eat any mice if you see them." He replied with a,"Meow." You smile, then slowly drift to sleep.

Author's Note

Hello everybody! So here is the first kind of chapter/part of this story. This is also my first story, so please give me feedback on what I can improve on!(I know some of the writing is a lil cheesy, but I'm working on it lol)I hope you guys enjoyed it.
I'm sorry if you guys are upset if there's no Spidey/Peter action yet. For this chapter I wanted to just set up the foundation for Y/N's story. I also may wait another few chapters before anything big happens with good ol' Spidey.
As for my uploading schedule, at the time of writing this I don't really have one, but I'm thinking Sundays maybe? Let me know what days you guys would prefer. One more thing, (I'm sorry this authors note is so long) if you haven't seen the Marvel Spiderman movies, I would recommend watching them before reading this. But yeah so anywho, I hope you guys enjoy this story! Ttfn, ta ta for now!

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