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Emma's POV

"Maggie! Could you please get table number 3?" I shout out from the kitchen. Today has been a very busy day. There's a heavy flow of customers since morning. Thank God I have all of my staffs today, working on a busy day with minimal help is a serious nightmare. The good news however, is that I've introduced some new yummy items into the menu. I had been working on them for weeks, and every freshly baked batch would be tested by my most trusted person, JONNY! He does not have a liking towards sweets but he is a very good judge of food, desserts included. Anyways, ever since the new items were introduced, my business just boomed! More people have started to come and it just gets better with every passing day.

It's been almost a week, since I had been to Jon's place. And oh boy, he was a complete gentleman. His apartment is bigger and way more spacious than mine.

Tony and I would have a wonderful game of hide and seek in his apartment.

He has two bedrooms so we didn't have an awkward conversation pertaining to our sleeping arrangements. He did let me borrow his clothes for the night though. He lent me his black T-shirt and gray sweatpants. I personally feel that I am a slightly chubby girl, but boy, his shirt was huge on me! I didn't wear his sweatpants since they were too big on me, but I did wear them when I got out of the room to make breakfast in the morning. I wouldn't want him see my goody good thighs now do I?

Coming back to the present, I was preparing the batter for a fruit cake when I heard my phone go off. Ughh God not again. There are a bunch of kids who were prank calling me since last night. I did give them a piece of my mind in the morning which had got them to stop this atrocious game, but from the looks of it now, I think they haven't gotten their lesson. I put my phone on silent and decided to ignore them, they'll get fed up due to the lack of attention and hunt for an other prey.

It's half past two and Jon still hasn't showed up. We usually go out for lunch by 1 PM. I guess he's really busy today and I can understand that. I just got my free time, the rush has reduced for the day thankfully, and I can finally rest my feet. I had been standing the whole day working my butt off. I finally use my phone for the first time today and my eyes nearly pop out of it's sockets.

73 missed calls from Jon.

Oh my God is he alright? How can I be so stupid! It was Jon who was calling me then, not those naughty boys. I feel like an idiot right now. Ohh God when will I ever learn. I immediately call him back, pacing back and forth in the kitchen waiting for him to pick up.

"Hello?" I hear James.

"James?" I ask.

"Oh hey Emma. It's high time you called." He says sarcastically.

"What happened? Why isn't Jon picking up the call? Is he alright? He called me like 73 times!"

"Oh it wasn't him actually. I called you from his phone. Uhm listen Emmy, we've got a situation here." He says with uncertainty.

"What? What happened?" I ask as I pack my things into my handbag. Something is wrong for sure and I cannot just sit here doing nothing when Jon is in trouble.

"He uhhh.......he got into an accident."


"Excuse me! May I know in which room Jon Williams is?" I ask the receptionist. She looks into the computer and tells me his room number in a bland, monotonous manner. Wow, looks like someone does not like her job.

I barge into the room, panting heavily and sweating profusely with all the unfamiliar running I did a while ago to get here. 

I see Jon lying on the bed, his back propped up on a few pillows. His left hand is in a cast and his forehead is covered in a bandage. He has a few cuts on his cheek bones and chin. He was smiling lightly at Bob and James. As soon as I entered the room, I could feel the three pairs of eyes on me. James and Bob were relieved when they saw me, while Jon looked kind of uneasy. I guess he isn't comfortable with me seeing him in a vulnerable state like this.

I drop my bag on the floor and rush towards him sitting on the edge of his bed. I held his face gently, making sure not to apply pressure on his wounds, and looked into his eyes. I couldn't stop the tears cascading down my cheeks.

"Jonny?" I say, my voice breaking. I scoot closer to him and wrap my arms over his shoulders, hugging him softly. I was suppressing the urge to give him a bone crushing hug, this man scared me to death. My heart skipped a beat when I heard James's words on the phone. I thought I'd never get to see my Jonny. I couldn't even imagine my life without him.

"Hey Emma don't worry about it. He is totally fine now. He is completely out of danger." Bob says assuringly.

"You mean he was in danger before?" I ask looking at Bob with wide eyes, I could feel my lower lip trembling, and I started sobbing.

"A-And I wasn't even here for you." I say with my breaking voice.

"I'm so sorry Jonny. I really am." I cover my face with my hands, I don't wanna show my broken state to the other two boys in the room. I would totally agree with anyone who calls me hypersensitive. I just can't get a good hold of my emotions. I always end up in tears, no matter what the situation is. If I'm happy, I cry. If I'm angry, I cry. If I'm sad, I CRY. This does annoy people, who think I'm way too weak to face the hardships in this world. I can feel him signaling the boys to leave the room. They do what they are said and close the door before leaving.

"Hey cupcake." Jon calls me, his voice deep and sore. He uses his right hand, the non dominant hand to take a look at my face. He holds my wrist and pulls my hand away, trying to take a peek at me, with my head bowed down. My face is wet with hot tears and I can feel my nose running all over my upper lip. Jon takes a tissue paper from the table beside the bed and wipes the tears off of my face. He then takes an other tissue paper and places them on my nose.

"Blow" He says softly. I blow my nose into the tissue paper and Jon discards them into the trash can. Then he puts his hand around my waist and pulls me closer. He kisses my forehead and says,

"I'm okay Emmy, it was just an accident. Look at me, I look completely fine." He whispers into my ear.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there. My phone was on silent and there w-was so much of r-rush today t-that I j-just......" I could feel an other outburst coming soon.

"Okay okay it's alright. Don't worry about it cupcake. I had James and Bob with me the whole time. I wasn't alone. I'm glad that you're here now."

"I can't see you like this." I say looking at him with watery eyes.

"Why don't you lie down with me." He says scooting over, making place for me. He gives me a stern look when I begin to deny him. I finally cave in and lie next to him. I place my head on his chest and wrap my hands over his torso. Jon holds me tight and kisses the crown of my head once in a while. I can feel his breath getting heavier. The painkillers effect might've faded by now. I look at him and see his face grimacing with pain. I wanted him to forget the pain, I wanted to soothe him from this distress. So I did the one thing I wanted to do since the time I stepped into this room. I cupped his cheek and looked into his eyes. I leaned in, and captured his lips into mine, closing my eyes, slightly brushing my knuckles over his cheek. He was taken aback initially, and does not respond to my kiss for a long time, probably giving me the time to back out, but I do not. He then responds to my kiss, nibbling on my lower lip, occasionally pulling them just to make me let out a soft whine. His hand caresses my back, rubbing them up and down. We pull apart when we're out of breath. He looks much more relaxed, I guess I did succeed in making him forget about the pain, at least for a while. He looks at me admiringly, probably wondering from where I got the new found courage to pull off such a stunt.

"Wow" was all he said.

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