Sweet Note🧁

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Hello my lovely readers, (gosh, I'm gonna miss saying that for a while)

So as you can see, this book has finally come to an end. Now, I gotta tell you how incredible my journey was while writing this. The amount of love and support I got for Sweet Tooth is really overwhelming. Thank you y'all for all the votes and comments that you've dropped, it really inspired me♥️

This book has got a very special place in my heart and it breaks me to put an end to it. But everything has got an end, right?
I'm gonna miss you guys so much 🤧

I'm planning on writing a new book, but nothing has been finalized yet. So.......I guess this is it, goodbye y'all. See you guys in my other book, if that ever happens, till then........

Take care, stay safe✌🏻
Te Amo♥️

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