Part 23

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Hiii you GUYS!! I'm like so sorry it took me so to update and I'm going to be honest...this chapter sucked.

It's kind of fluff because two people find their REAL mates and I'm so excited. Like I said there might be one chapter left until the epilogue which will be the wedding and all that jazz.

Enjoy if you can.....

Bella's P.O.V

I was still amazed and in shock of my newly found ability of running. Even though it wasn't Forks with trees and what not it still was a breathtaking event. But, the real reason of my running is to see my beautiful babies. Cauis was trailing but not far. He'll scold me every now and then about running too fast but I was sooo bu!,,!bbly. I couldn't describe it.

"Isabella you may want to slow down." He warned

"I want to continue to see the babies.

I suddenly felt myself falling into a heap with a weight on me.

I sat up and hissed at the grass stain now setting into my dress.

"Cauis." I hissed

"Don't even start I told you to slow down and I can by you a thousand dresses like that."

I was still angry.

I got up and began to stomp down the hill and into the outskirts of Volterra.


"Bella what happened to your dress!?!?" Jane basically yelled.

"Cauis, he thought I was running too fast and "stopped" me."

"I told you I would buy you another."

"Okaaay." Jane said averting her eyes from the ordeal.

I shrugged it off and turned to Jane.

"Where are they?" I asked Jane.

"Those precious children of yours are eating in the dining room."

I quickly ran to the dining room to be met with the most beautiful sight. Two babies, one with snowy white hair with icy blue eyes, he was the most beautiful baby in the world, that's until I saw a a reflection of me with long brown ringlets and humongous orbs which covered her entire face. I had only one word to describe them...inhuman.

"Mommie." The girl gurgled.

I smiled and brought my children into me.

"Isn't this sooo sweet." Jane squeaked to who knows who.

"What are their names?" I asked over there heads to Cauis.

"Snow and Sinister."

I felt a sharp tug on my hair and looked to see Sinister holding his small hand out.

I placed his hand on my cheek and show memories of mine float throughout my head...some that were blurry yet some were so crystal clear I thought I was actually in the memory.

He moved his hand and the visions stop.

"That's your gift." He nodded his head.

I really was expecting newborn babies instead of toddlers but they are still adorable.

"Mommie gift too!!" Snow said pulling my hair. I think I'm going to have a wig on before the end of the day.

"What can you do my snowflake?" She smiled and began waving her arms around wildly. I was afraid something was wrong with her unit Cauis said,"Look outside Isabella."

I glanced out to the courtyard and saw an abundance of snow sprinkling into the grass.

"Isn't your name perfect for you." I said pressing her buttoned nose.

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