Fight !!! Maybe not

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We were standing there
And silence ....nothing more silence she raise her hand and smirk
Are u sure u want to fight me little girl -- lumina
Well ...for me it won't be a fight , it will be just a simple game -- elsa
I smirk it will be easy
She is mad right now I can feel it and she throw water at me ...before the water touch me it disappear ..
She look shock I smirk easy I can control every form of the water ..freeze it or melt it ...
She look at me and start to throw water at me
The water melt immediately ...
It doesn't touch me at all ...
So boring ...
She was getting mad's not my fault ..I am trying to protect my friend.
Who the hell are y ??-- lumina
I smile is sweet that she doesn't recognize me ....
I am ....-- elsa
Before I said something ..the king pitch come
What is going on ??-- pitch
Your majesty that girl ..dangerous -- lumina point at me
Yes of course I am dangerous ....I ..because I don't hurt nobody ...-- elsa
Sure things your friend attack me !!-- lumina
Oooo shut up ...she doesn't hurt y at all -- elsa
ENOUGH !!!!!!-- pitch
Your majesty ....the reason I come is to meet u -- elsa bow ...
And who is the reason -pitch
I look at him and my eyes sparkle
I see ....u two come with me -- pitch point at merida and I and walk away
I look at lumina and she was with her mouth drop ..I giggles ..
First time I see her like that ....
Me and merida wave goodbye to hiccup and we go behind pitch
Suddenly pitch stop
Because it's full moon ...there is going to be a party tomorrow ...y are all invited ..-- pitch said and everyone cheer
We walk again and ...go inside the big dark castle ...without knowing who was behind it ..

Daughter of the moon {jelsa}Where stories live. Discover now