Chapter 7

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The two arrows soar across the sky and pierce its target with no problem, however as the bird was put out of its misery, the Shikon no Tama was also hit. (M/n) squint his eyes with everyone else as a bright light covers the land and sky, for a good moment before fading away. ‘Oh hell no. That piece of shit better not have burst or we're gonna have problems,’ the dual haired male thought, once his murderous rage had faded. The dual haired male sighed as he rolled his shoulders with annoyance coating his movements. Before he could walk off, not really caring about the strange light anymore, the Reincarnated male felt someone place their hand on his shoulder. “Come on, Dumbass, we have to go find the jewel before some bastard gets to it,” the Hanyou tugged the Modern male along, knowing that he will need the dual haired male’s help in finding it. 

Like forty minutes later

 “Ah the damn thing is gone. How sad. Now the jewel is gone and my ass won’t have to worry about it anymore, boo hoo,” (M/n) said sarcastically as he was still being tug by Inuyasha, wondering if his arm gonna fall off , since he wasn’t able to get it treated by Kaede just yet.

 ‘Well. Hoes gonna call me, One Arm (M/n) now….my ass still gonna be looking much better than them,’ was the thought running through the Reincarnated Teen’s head as he looked around with no care in the world, only for a small sparkle to catch his eye. Before Inuyasha could tug him any further, (M/n) reach up and tug at the Hanyou’s ear.

 “Ow! What was that for, you crazy bitch?” Inuyasha growled at the other male, only to see that the said male was pointing at the ground a few feet away from them. “I saw a fucking light over there. That’s where your stupid jewel is at. Now you can go fucking find it yourself, while I go and get my fucking arm treated by Kaede.”

 With that said, the dual haired male removes Inuyasha’s hand from himself and walks back to the village, leaving the Hanyou to search the ground by himself.

A while later

 The dual haired male was chilling in Kaede’s hut, after the old Miko had wrapped his arm up. The holy duo were enjoying their small peace and quiet only for Inuyasha to come and destroy it.

 “OI! OLD HAG! What the fuck happen to the Shikon no Tama?!”

 The white haired male basically shove his hand at Kaede’s face and there laying in his hand with a small pink glow, was a shard of the Shikon no Tama. This time, instead of a comfortable silence, it was a deafening one that swallowed them whole as they stared at the shard. 


 And the tension was easily broken once (M/n) made a noise of surprise and shock. Before Kaede could say anything, the dual haired male decided to speak up first, remembering all of the anime and manga that starts off with something like this. “Not it! I’m not looking for that shit. The world can burn, it's not like it gonna make a difference anyway.”

 And with that Kaede slapped the back of the Modern male’s head with such force that it swung forward, while Inuyasha gave him a look of disappointment.

 ‘Tch. Why the hell, Ma had to raise me with good manners? Why didn’t she just let me be an asshole?’ (M/n) thought with a scowl as Kaede started to give them a lecture on the Shikon no Tama and how now it was their job to go search for the shards. “Now, wait a second right there, Kaede. My fat ass ain’t going to be doing no damn running around this damn place for some fucking shards-”

 The Reincarnated male started only for his rant to end, when Kaede bop him in the head again, causing a second bump to form on the first one and for Inuyasha to hold in his laughter.

 The Reincarnated male started only for his rant to end, when Kaede bop him in the head again, causing a second bump to form on the first one and for Inuyasha to hold in his laughter

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The Next day at the river

 “Hurry up, Lad. It is getting colder, at this rate, you might freeze,” Kaede said as she kept herself to the fire she had made for herself. As she kept herself warm, (M/n) was swimming, naked, in the river with a glare gracing his face as he growled at her words. ‘My ass wouldn’t be out here at all if you weren’t so worried about my wounds and how your pirate ass started saying how it needed the holy water or some shit to heal.’

 Without a word, the dual haired teen ducked under the water, tired of all this bullshit happening to him, not knowing that Inuyasha was sitting on one of the ciff near the river and was watching him swim. After a couple minutes, the modern male popped back up, but this time near the shore of the river and slowly got out of the cold water to the even colder air. When (M/n) had gotten out, the old Miko had closed her eyes, meanwhile Inuyasha watched him with a slow widening of his eyes as a blush slowly formed on his face.

 The Hanyou couldn’t help but watch as the water run down the Teen’s body and got closer to-

 Inuyasha turned his head away in embarrassment and a little bit of anger, remembering the last time he felt like this and what had happened to him.

 While Inuyasha was scolding himself, the dual haired male put on the clothes that Kaede had brought for him. ‘Oh shit! My ass making shit fabulous once again! Damn, I’m just too hot,’ the Reincarnated Teen thought as he looked at his image in the river, loving how he is making this miko/monk garb work with ease even though it was his first time wearing it. 

 While (M/n) was looking at himself, Kaede had to leave because of a Lady’s daughter fainting, thus leaving the cussing duo alone in the river clearing.

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