Can I please get a waffle?

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Props to anyone who got that reference.

Sleep didn't appear to be on the agenda tonight. After the previous events, you knew that there was no way you would be asleep before sunrise. 

God. I'm stupid. Crying, in front of the one person you're scared of. Now he knows my weaknesses. Oh and on top of that, I failed the one thing I told Tony I could do: hold it together. I'm the glue. I can't fall apart and I just did. Now you let Tony down, showed your cards to the enemy....enemy? Technically no, but also yes. And to top that off, Steve is going to want to talk about that and then you're going to have to explain, well everything. 

Thoughts similar to these flooded your head as the night turned to day. You began to see the sun, and saw Steve and Sam running in the front of the compound. At this point you were debating going to sleep, or actually being productive. You chose the latter. 

Mustering every last bit of motivation, you rolled out of bed, brushed your teeth, threw on some socks, grabbed your phone and walked to the kitchen, where you saw Clint and Vision, attempting waffles. 

Vision still kind of freaked you out, so you joined the girls on the couch. 

"Morning love, how did you sleep?" Nat asked

"Fucking Fabulously" You replied, a hint of sarcasm in your voice.

Wanda laughed and soon got up to try and help out with breakfast. "You can't just skip using flour. That's the issue." she said. 

"But it's so farrrrr" Clint whined. 

You used your "jazz hands" (a mix of telekinetic and reality warping, similar to Wanda's) and flew the flour over to the counter near Vision. 

After a few minutes of scrolling through Instagram,, you hear Clint say "FRIDAY, let everyone know waffles are ready!"

You and Nat got up and grabbed your plates, a very sweaty Steve and Sam entered the room, Tony and Bruce came from the lab, and Thor rushed in with an excited look on his face. Breakfast always went one of two ways. 

1. Normal, nice conversations, talk about plans for the day, etc, etc. 

2. An argument. 

Based off of the death glares that Steve was shooting Tony all morning, it was obvious what would happen next. As if he was reading your mind, Tony blurted out "Okay Cap, what's the deal this time?"

"Tony not right now, please." Steve begged.

Everyone was visibly uncomfortable at this point and trying to finish their food as quickly as possible so that they could dart. 

"Yes. Yes right now. What's your issue? I haven't even seen you today, let alone talk to you. What could possibly be wrong?"

"You want to know what's wrong? What's wrong is that you know something that I don't. I know you stayed behind after y/n's panic attack. You know what actually happened and it definitely had something to do with Bucky. So you know what? Sorry if I'm not exactly chipper this morning."

You face palmed as you realized what Steve had just said. 

"Wait, you had a panic attack? Are you okay?" Bruce said with a concerned look. There it was, the one thing you didn't need happening. 

"Yeah I'm fine. It was nothing, really." You said, trying to play it down to avoid any further issues. 

"But it wasn't. You were very far from fine, quite the opposite actually. What actually happened because I don't think explaining the tower to Bucky triggered something." Steve scolded you. 

Steve was never one to be mad at you. You were normally unproblematic, and if you had done anything to piss him off, you always covered it. This was a first.

"Okay, Steve, calm down. You're not actually mad at y/n. You're just taking it out on her. Stop. Breathe before you say anything else." Nat chimed in. Thank God for her because Steve was fuming at this point. Wanda excused herself and went to her room, trying not to worsen things. 

"No, I am mad." He sneered. "She lied. Y/n never lies."

"Right y/n never lies, so she probably has a good reason if she did, right?" Clint said, defending you.

You felt tears well up in your eyes, trying to figure out how to explain yourself. You never really opened up to anyone about the extent of your torture and if you wanted to clear the air, you would have to. 

"It's my fault" Bucky said, standing in the entrance to the hall. You hadn't even noticed that he was there. His head hung low, leaning on the frame.

"I was still a part of hydra at the same time as her. I used to torture her when she didn't comply. I did some messed up shit, some I can't even remember. I was just saying whatever came to mind and that's what triggered her. I didn't mean to, but she wanted to keep it from Steve and we were going to figure it out on our own, not making a big deal out of it."

You were shocked, not only was that the most you ever heard him say, but he went from someone that you were terrified of, to someone sticking up for you. 

Steve's jaw, along with everyone's except Tony's, practically hit the floor. 

"There, 'merica. That was the big secret. Happy?" Tony said, clearly annoyed. 

"Y/n, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to do something stupid or anything. I just, I need a minute."

Everyone else got up and carried on with their day. Steve paced around the room, trying to find the right words. You stayed at the table, holding tears in, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. Tony muffled something under his breath which earned a reaction from Steve. 

"What!? I had no idea what was going on! I wanted to help, everyone makes mistakes, you more than anyone, Tony!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tony growled

"STOP!"  your hands lit up, eyes red, and marched to your room. 

A/N: So I know im kind of dragging it out but I promise the fluff is on its way, I just needed to build a background :)))))))))))

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