the roller coaster

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After what felt like a few minutes or crying, you heard a very shy knock at the door.

"If it's Steve or Tony, I really don't wanna talk about it." you said with the strongest tone you could find.

"It's not...can I come in?"

You got up and unlocked the door, revealing Bucky.

"Look y/n I-"

"Nope, as weird as this day has been, you may be the only person I'm okay with talking to right now, no apologies please."

You weren't lying. Tony and Steve were definitely not your favorite people, Wanda didn't even know what happened, Nat, Sam, Clint, and Bruce would just try to pry for more info on your panic attack, Vision is just weird, and Thor was well...Thor.

"Oh, that's a relief, I thought you hated me." He said, happily.

 For the first time, you saw Bucky smile, and gosh, it was gorgeous.

"Woah! You have teeth!?" You joked "Never seen those before!"

"Ha-ha, very funny. Um, can I ask you a question?" The soldier asked.


"Why do Tony and Steve hate each other?"

You chuckled and patted the bed next to you, inviting Bucky to sit. 

"This is a long one, so I would sit down if I were you." You took a deep breath and continued. "So Steve knew Howard Stark, Tony's dad. Well, Tony has some Daddy issues, wether he admits it or not, and he's not the best at handling emotions, so he started to take that out on Steve, because all Stark senior would do was boast about Captain America."

Bucky nodded, signaling for you to continue. 

"To add to that fire, they both have very different views on how a team works, and just morals in general. Tony thinks with his heart, but pretends that he's only brains. It's a defense mechanism. I see right through it, because I'm the same way. Steve also thinks with his heart, but bashes Tony for using his brain over his heart. Even though that's not the case. Oh yeah, and apparently, you killed Tony's parents, and you're Steve's best friend, so you can see where some issues come from there."

You sat in silence for a few seconds, letting Bucky process everything. 

"That makes sense. They seem to really care about you. Are you related to them? Or..."

"Oh god no! Steve isn't gay, neither is Tony, they just act like my dads."

"Okay, here's another question, how did you get here? You escaped. They told everyone you that you had died. Hydra doesn't have survivors..."

"Only casualties." You finished, remembering the phrase. 

"You're quite the interrogator, Barnes. But, you asked for this one, so buckle up 'cause this is about to be a roller coaster."

Bucky chuckled and waited for you to begin. 

"I was your basic kid, until 13, I liked helping people and was pretty gullible, so when 3 men in black suits showed up saying that they had a surprise for me in their car, I bought it and got in. I was not who they were looking for, but they had to keep their jobs, so I was given super powers to cover up their mistake: mind reading, super soldier shit, and my jazz hands." You said, waving your hands in a cheesy way. "Fast forward a few months, I was a full blown assassin, weapon, murderer, call it what you will. When Zoro's Algorithm had failed, I was sent to kill the targets. I didn't think much until I guess one day, they didn't brainwash me right, and I was all of a sudden a person with a heart. Anyways, I was sent on a mission to take out Peter Parker, Spiderman. I was sent to high school and everything, undercover. I fell in love with being a teenager. The drama, the parties, the friends, everything. So much so, that I would lie to my bosses, saying I had to go to a party or whatever, "for the mission" of course. Well I was caught, and that's where the torture began. I was still sent to school, to avoid suspicion, but people noticed something was off. I was this happy girl who was always laughing, partying, etc. , now sad, introverted, you get the gist. Well, we were in the locker room, changing for gym, when I had forgotten that I had had bruises all over my ribs. Someone took a picture, it got out, Peter told Tony, I was rescued, and now I'm an Avenger. Phew"

"That was uh, quite the story."

There was a kind of awkward silence. 

"Mind reading? Why is that not more of a topic of discussion around here?" he asked

"I don't like using it. It's invasive, and people keep certain thoughts to themselves for a reason."

"That's why you knew what I would do to you before I did it." He said, with a look of realization. 

"I only use it in battle, or survival purposes. So don't worry, I have no clue what's in your head right now."

"Well that's a relief" The soldier said. 

There was an awkward silence

"Well, what about you, I just told you my whole life story, I need some info on the infamous James Buchanan Barnes."

Bucky laughed. "I would tell you if I could, doll. I'll let you know when I remember". His face became sad. 

"Do you want to watch a movie, I haven't had a movie night in ages."

You watched movies until you looked at your phone. A snap from Peter and Wanda's group chat with you, a message from Nat, 2 from Tony, and a missed call from Steve. 

"woah it's dinner time." you said, ignoring the notifications. 

"This should be interesting" He said with a smirk. 

You hadn't noticed before, but his eyes. Piercing blue. You couldn't stop staring into them. 

You took a deep breath as the two of you walked to the kitchen. 

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