Back on Corosaunt
We come to where after Anakin Skywalker was revealed by Palpatine that he's the sith lord they been they looking for and soon as Anakin left to report it to Master Windu Palpatine was in contact with a clone trooper that was keeping tabs on Maul's mission on earth
Chancellor Palpatine. There's been a problem on the planet earth. Our spy drones detected that Lord Maul was killed during his mission.
Palpatine: Then the symbiont is lost to us forever.
Correct sir.
Palpatine: It matters not. The plan is still in motion. Keep tabs on your jedi await for my signal on order sixty six.
Yes my lord.
Soon as the transmission cuts off Palpatine turned around seeing four Jedi Masters walking in to confront him after being told by Anakin who he is
Palpatine: Master Windu.....I take it General Grevious has been destroyed then. I must say you're here sooner than expected.
Windu: In the name of the galactic senate of the republic.
Palpatine: Are you threatning me Master Jedi?
Windu: The Senate will decide your fate.
Palpatine: I am....the Senate!
Windu: Not yet.
Palpatine slowly stands from his chair pulling out his lightsaber from his sleeve with the force
Palpatine: It's treason.........then.
(Cuts out)
(The end)
ActionThis fan fiction is based off an episode of Super Power Beatdown by You-Tube Channel: Bat In The Sun. Please show support by going on to You-Tube and subscribe to Bat In The Sun for future videos Plot During the Clone Wars Darth Sidious inslaves Da...