"Am I Pretty?"

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It was the night before Halloween and Lavender was out shopping for last minute candy.

She had decided to go through an old alleyway as a shortcut on the way back home.

Once she reached the middle of it she heard shuffling behind her, then it all got very cold. She had seen enough Supernatural to know to get out of there fast. So she started sprinting as fast as she could.

All of a sudden something with massive... bunny ears? And a pink dress came infront of her.

"Am I pretty?" It asked with a creepy smile and a head tilt.

"Yes you are, everyone is pretty in their own way." Lavender replied almost instantly, its what she replied with whenever her fake friends asked her that.

"Thats NOT what I asked! I said am I pretty?!" The evil bunny girl snapped.

"Yes, your pretty now can I go? I have a curfew." Lavender stated with a small eye roll.

"Bsj sud dud hehdi djdvdns us dhs sjsvs sbs." the evil creature mumbled under her breath and then disappeared in thin air.

"Shiz." Lav muttered, like she said she had seen enough Supernatural to know that she had probably just been cursed.

She quickly ran the rest of the way to her house and locked the door once she was inside.

"Jax! I'm home!" Lavender yelled throughout the house, Jax was her little brother. They where living together alone ever since their parents disappeared when Jax was five and Lav was 15.

Currently Jax was 15 and Lav was 25 years old. She was done with school and had a semi steady job while Jax was still in school but had a job as well.

"What took you so long? No problems right?" Jax asked as he ran down the hall to her.

"Oh no, just the normal ghost witch bunny thing that put a curse on me." Lavender replied as she flopped down onto the couch.

"Ha! Yah that would have worked when I was about seven but now, no. What really took you so long?" Jax asked while grabbing the candy and started to eat some.

"Im telling the truth! It was some bunny eared, ghost, witch thing that cursed me! I went off of all the symptoms from Supernatural and thats what I ended up with!" Lavender exclaimed, flailing her arms to add extra effect.

"Well if you really are cursed then whats wrong?" Jax asked.

"Well I dont know! It might take affect now, later, I dont know! All I know is that something weird happened!" Lavender replied as she slumped into the couch.

"Whatever you say."Jax chuckled and then flopped back down next to her.

"Supernatural?" Jax asked while grabbing the remote.

"Sure." Lavender replied while scooting over some.

So they watch some Supernatural until about eleven o'clock at night and then decided to go to sleep.

487 Words! This is a short chapter but its bacily just an introduction to everything so I hope you dont hate it! I also hope you have an amazing day/night!!! 😁💖

487 Words! This is a short chapter but its bacily just an introduction to everything so I hope you dont hate it! I also hope you have an amazing day/night!!! 😁💖

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That is for anyone who couldn't see it at the top of the page (ghost/witch/bunny thing).^^^^^^^^

*Disclaimer- The bunny lady is NOT mine, nither is Pumpkin Head girl! I just drew them from a "draw this in your style" thing and made them a book.*

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