Good News

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" I'm going to be a mom" They said together.
It went quite, no one was talking they were all trying to process the information together. " OMG congratulations how many weeks has it been" Momo asked.

" Mine is just one week" Jennie said
" Mine is 4 weeks" Jisoo said.

" My little sister is going to be a mother awwww" Irene said. " Does Yoongi and Taehyung know" Wendy asked.

" No Taehyung doesn't know yet I wanted to surprise him" Jisoo said." Same with me I want to surprise Yoongi" Jennie said.

" Umm how about you guys surprise them together" Momo suggested. "You know thats not a bad idea" Irene said as they all agreed.   " When are you planning on telling them" Chaeyoung asked.

" Maybe this Saturday" They both said. " Ohh how about we go baby shopping" Lisa said

" We can't do that yet we don't know if it will be a girl or a boy" Jennie said. Everyone went quite when Chaeyoung talked " We can get clothes for both genders like just imagine if you guys have boys then thats good but the clothes for the girls you can save for next time" Chaeyoung said

" Who saves clothes for next time you should give the baby new clothes" Jisoo said. " Come on technically it will still be new since no one used it and plus if you both get boys then don't worry I am pretty sure another one of us is going to be a mom very soon" Momo said.

" Oh Unnie are you hinting us something" Lisa said wiggling her eyebrows. " n-n-no" Momo replied stuttering.

" OMG Unnie you liar" Everyone started laughing after they heard what Lisa said. " YAH its not funny and I am N-Not ly-lying" Momo said again.

" yeah yeah ok whatever lets go do some baby shopping now" Jennie said. They left the Boba place and went to the baby shop. " My instinct says that I will have a boy" Jisoo said. " Mine too Unnie" Jennie said. They spent 1 hour at the baby shop, and found really cute outfits.

" I think we should go now we already spent 2 hours at the mall" Jisoo said. " Come on unnie its just been 2 hours people spend longer time" Chaeyoung said.

" I know but I am tired and hungry" Jisoo said. " Yeah I can't believe I am saying this but I want to go home and rest" Jennie said.

" Ok guys I think we should go because they are carrying babies in their belly so it's understandable." Irene said. " Yeah we should go back" Momo said agreeing with Irene.

They left the mall and went back home

Back at home

" Unnie can you guys go check if the boys are inside" Jennie asked Irene. " Ok you guys wait here ok but I need someone to come with me" Irene said. " I will come" Wendy volunteered.

Irene and wendy quietly went inside the house. When they were fully in they saw that no one was inside. They went back outside to the others. " There is no one in the house" Wendy said.

" Ok then we should go in but where will we keep the clothes Unnie" Jisoo asked looking at Irene. " Ummm We only have 6 bags so I should be able to keep it in my closet" Irene said.

" I know you can keep it in your closet but what if Jin Oppa sees " Jennie said. " It's fine he probably won't see." Irene said.

" Ok but what if he finds out" Jisoo said. " Even if he sees its fine and its not like he is the father of your child" Irene said. " Irene has a point guys" Wendy said. " Ok ok now hurry up before the boys come back" Momo said.

They all went in the house and Irene took the bags from Jisoo and Jennie. " Jisoo, Jennie I will take your bags to my closet now" Irene said. " Ok unnie" they said as they were giving the bags to Irene. " You need help Unnie" Jisoo asked.

" No no its fine you guys go freshen up and then come downstairs" Irene said and left. Once she reached her room she went to her closet.

" Hmm this closet is bigger then I though" Irene said. She looked around the closet trying to find a good place to hide the bags.

" This seems like a good place" She says while looking at shelve above her clothing racks. Since it was too tall she took the chair that was next to Jins side of the closet. " Why is there a chair here anyways" She said as she took two bags and put it on the shelve but when she was about to go down the chair started to wiggle.

She was standing still hoping it would stop but it seems like luck wasn't on her side this time because the chair fell. She was waiting to hit the carpet floor, but when she didn't hit the floor  she opened her eyes to see......

Jin POV :

The boys and me came back home to find the girls sitting in the living room watching tv. But I didn't see Irene. " Where is Irene" I asked

" She is upstairs probably changing her clothes" Momo replied. " Oh ok we will go freshen up too" I said as me and the boys went to our rooms.

When I was in the room I didn't see Irene anywhere so I decided to check the closet. When I went in there I saw her standing on a chair while pitting some bags in the shelves.  Her chair was wiggling and she was about to fall when I caught her.

She opened her eyes while I let her down. " Jin" She said as she hugged me tightly. I hugged her back when she said " I though I was going to fall and hurt myself thank you for saving me what would I do if you didn't come in time"

" Yeah what would you do without me" I said with a smile on my face. " Oh since your here help me put these bags on the shelve" She said.

I looked at the bags and it was from a baby shop. " Why did you guys go to the baby shop" I asked. " Oh you don't know. Well Jisoo and Jennie are expecting" She said.

" Really I am so happy for them" I said.  " Don't tell Yoongi and Taehyung though" She said.

" Why" I asked. " Jennie and Jisoo want to surprise them" She replied. " Oh ok" I said.

I put the bags on the shelve and we left the closet.

Author POV:

They left the closet and went to go freshen up. After they were done they went downstairs.

" Guys lets have dinner and then we can go to bed" Jisoo said. " Why do want to sleep so early" Taehyung asked since she usually doesn't sleep this early. " Because I am sleepy" She replied. " Aww my ChiChu lets go eat and then I will tuck you in bed" He said as everyone started laughing.

They went to the dinner table to see everything already set up and ready to eat. Irene thanked the chef and they started to eat. " So what do you guys think about being a father" Lisa asked. As Taehyung and Yoongi started choking on their food.

( If you are wondering why the others didn't its because they already know)

" Are you guys ok" A concerned Jennie asked. " Yes were fine don't worry" Yoongi replied.

" Anyways answer my question" Lisa said again. " I love kids so being a father would be a very lovely chapter of my life" Taehyung replied with Yoongi agreeing with him.

" What would you want first" Chaeyoung asked.

" A boy because it would be able to protect the younger siblings from any danger specially if the younger sister is a girl" Yoongi said. " How about you Taheyung" Irene asked. " Same as Yoongi Hyung but if its a girl I have no problem" he said.

Everyone finished their food and went to their rooms to sleep.

Irene POV :

I was in bed waiting for Jin to come out of the bathroom so that I could sleep. If you are wondering why I was waiting its because I need to cuddle.

After 10 minutes he finally came out of the bathroom and went to his side of the bed. He was facing my side with his eyes closed when I went close to him and hugged him. After a few seconds he hugged me back and we both fell asleep.

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