Vsoo Baby

673 23 9

September 13

After that incident everything has been normal with Irene and Jin. It was 9:00 pm right now and all of their friends were at their house for their usual weekly meeting. They were normally eating when Jisoo started yelling out of pain. " I think I need to go to the hospital no-AAAAA"

" Jisoo are you ok" Taehyung asked worried for his lover. " NO TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL NOW" she said as all the boys went outside to the car while the girls brought Jisoo outside.

They drove to the hospital and rushed Jisoo inside. The doctors brought her in and started to check her. When the doctor cam out Taehyung immediately asked him if Jisoo was ok.

" She is fine don't worry but it lookes like she will give birth earlier then we thought" The doctor said. " When was she supposed to give birth" Irene asked.

" She was supposed to give birth 3 weeks later but anyways we need the husband to come with us" The doctor said and Taehyung left with him.

A few hours later :

"I hope she is ok" Irene said walking back and forth. " She will be fine Irene" Jin said while hugging her so she stops walking too much.

" Umm Yoongi" Jennie said. " Yes" He replied.

" I want Ice cream" Jennie said again. " What now" He asked to make sure. " Yes pwease I am weally craving ice cream" she said in a baby voice. " Alright I will be back" He said as he pinched her cheeks.

After a few minutes he came back with vanilla ice cream in his hand while Taehyung came out from the room also. " What happened is she ok" Irene asked as soon as he got out. " Yes don't worry she is fine we had a baby boy" He said.

" OMG REALLY lets go in what are we waiting for" Jennie said. " You ice cream Jen" Yoongi said. " I finished already" She said as she went in the room.

" UNNNIEEEE LET US SEE THE BOY" Lisa shouted. " Quite Lisa he is sleeping" Jisoo said.

" Oh shit sorry" She said again apologizing. " Hey Hey Hey so swearing in front of the baby" Taehyung said as everyone started laughing. " Let us see him" Irene said as she took the baby in her arms while Jin was standing behind her.

" Whats his name" Chaeyoung asked. " Kim Yeonjun" Taehyung said. " Aww what a cute name" Irene said as she gave the baby back to Jisoo and Taehyung. " He looks just like you Tae" Jisoo said as a tear fell from her eyes.

" ChiChi don't cry" Taehyung said as he hugged her. " These are tears of happiness seeing him smile makes all the pain I had to go through worth it" Jisoo said again.

" Ahhhh waeeeeeeee" Chaeyoung said as she started crying. " Hahaha Chaeyoung" Jimin said laughing as he went to hug her. " You make me want to have a baby" Chaeyoung said.

" We can work on that if you want" Jimin said as everyone started laughing. " Eww Jimin no one wants to know what you guys do alone" Wendy said.

" As if you don't do it either" He replied. " Jimin-ah Shut up" Namjoon said.

" Aww Joonie is shy shy shy that means all our suspicions are real" Hoseok said. " You guys have suspicions about what we do alone" Wendy said. " Hoseok I am not the one having a child why are you opening you mouth" Namjoon said.

" Just because you are not having a baby does not mean that you don't do it pabo" Suga said. " About having a child I have something to say" Wendy said. " Don't tell me you are expecting too" Hoseok said.

" I am 2 months" Wendy said. " yeah sure liar if you were 2 months I would have known" Namjoon said. " How would you know you barely spend time with me these past few months" Wendy said as her eyes started to water. " Aww Wen I am sorry please don't cry" Namjoon said as he hugged her.

" Everyone has a dramatic life except me" Jin said. " Don't act like you weren't cold to me a few months ago" Irene said.

" I thought I already apologized but if you want I can apologize again" Jin said smirking. " All of you stop being so dirty minded in front of my baby" Taehyung said.

" Ok bro me and chaeyoung need to go now we have something to do" Jimin said as the two bid their goodbyes.

" Me and Lisa will take our leave too" Jungkook said. " Bye my little baby Kookie" Jin said messing his hair. " Hyung I am not a baby anymore" He said pouting. " Aww my small little baby come let me drop you home" Jin said. " Ok I didn't bring my car anyways" Jungkook said.

" Bye Taehyung take care of Jisoo" Irene said as they left. " How about you guys" Jisoo asked. " I want to stay here with Unnie and baby Yeonjun" Jennie and Momo said.

" I would love to stay but I am tired Unnie sorry" Wendy said. " Why are you apologizing I understand don't worry. Go home and sleep" Jisoo said as Wendy and Namjoon left.

" You guys should go home you are expecting also" Jisoo said. " No it's fine we are used to it and plus we want to stay" Momo said. " How about you boys" Taehyung asked.

" I will stay to take care of Momo" Hoseok said. " I can't leave Jennie alone either" Suga said.

" I can take care of them if you guys are tired" Taehyung said again. " No it's ok plus you have to take care of Jisoo" Suga said.

The night went on with the boys running around everywhere taking care of the girls.


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