English Tsukishima x Male Reader

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Bold - English


It all began at the training camp.

Having set up his sleeping bag and getting into his nightwear, Tsukishima was already ready to hit the hay after an excruciatingly long day of volleyball. Of course the blond did not get what he oh-so hoped for.

"Kiyoko-Senpai you are looking gorgeous this evening!"


Said raven haired female ignored the two boisterous teens at the doorway and walked past them, handing a schedule for the next day to Daichi before making her way back out of he boys' sleeping quarters.

"I love it when she ignores me..."

Both Nishinoya and Tanaka sunk to the floor in a love-struck gaze, practically having hearts in their eyes.

"We all know Nishinoya's gay for Asahi, wonder when he's gonna man up and confess to the guy."

Almost shocked at the completely fluent English sentence, Tsukishima turned his attention beside him, where a (h/c) haired second year on the team he couldn't recall ever talking to scrolled idly on his phone. Probably not thinking anyone could understand him. He was almost right.

The blonde smirked at the statement, agreeing wholeheartedly at the older's statement. It was good to know there was some other person with eyes that work on this team.

Tsukishima decided to not say anything, opting to just smirk and continue climbing into bed.


Next it happened during lunch.

Hinata was shoveling tons of rice down his open mouth along with the "king" Kageyama.

Tsukishima tried to stay looking away, disgusted by the terrible manners displayed before him. Yamaguchi was less disturbed, but still tried to keep to himself.

"I hope he chokes, maybe then he will learn his lesson."

Glancing over at the now familiar voice, the tall middle blocker found the same boy from before casually eating by himself at a table, once again thinking that his comment was gibberish to anyone else.

Thats when Tsukishima started asking why he never noticed this male before.

"Whats up Tsukki?"



The last time was once again in the training camp sleeping quarters.

"I don't understand English at all!"

Tanaka was wailing over the homework he was assigned, Nishinoya nodding frantically beside him. They both shed dramatic tears while asking their captains for help, which they were denied.

Yamaguchi turned his head towards his blonde friend beside him.

"You should help them Tsukki"

The boy shook his head, looking towards his own math work.

"Im busy, plus, it's second year stuff I wouldn't know it."

The olive haired teen looked skeptical, but he decided to just shake it off.

"(L/N)-san is great at English! He can help."

"Narita I swear to all that is good and holy if you-"

"You'll help us (L/N)-san!!!??"

The now not mysterious boy groaned and facepalmed at his classmates bowing low in front of him, looking up to him as if he was god himself.

Tsukishima's face grew into a small smirk.

'This'll be good.'


"How about 'nice to meet you'?"

"You look like a toad."

"Ohhhh, how do you spell that last word?"

Tsukishima was close to dying, he has been pursing his lips and coughing to cover up snickers every time (L/N) butchered an English translation with his sarcastic ass tone. Yamaguchi was beginning to get worried about how red his face was getting and how often he was coughing.

"Alright.... 'you're beautiful'"

"Girl you look like a whole ass double-decker biscuit."

Tsukishima lost it, choking on the apple juice he was tryna sip peacefully. He pulled away from the bottle and covered his mouth while coughing excessively.

When he was finally able to breath again he looked up to the English-speaking male to find him with shocked af face. Tsukishima snirked at him.

"Real mature, senpai."

All light in (L/N)'s eyes died out and his face tyrned ghostly pale. He all of a sudden began stuttering like a madman while looking anywhere but him.

"You- uh, you speak English too... huh?"

"No duh."

(L/N) groaned and facepalmed.

"You heard everything?"




A week later, Tsukishima got a small note in his locker, writted in perfectly fluent English.

"How about a study session? Meet me after practice -(L/N)"

A/N: two posts in a day! I feel like I'm only putting out crackfics rn... I need more romance I guess. I'll get there, I havea fluff requested up next so I hope you're ready! Bye y'all!

Word Count: 753

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