Goodbyes and Hellos

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Hey guys! My name is Aliyah and this is my first Fanfic! If you enjoy please rate and comment and follow! Ilysm! -Aliyah
PS: I chose Brianna/Bree for Bee's fake real name. ^.^

-=Back in Seattle=-

Brianna's POV:
I came to visit the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for, for five weeks. But now I've gotten quite homesick. But I'm not going to my home, I'm going to go live with Mitchell, AKA, StrauberryJam. Since my family doesn't truly support my choices in life.. I'm going to live with Mitchell in an apartment. I just hope Jordan AKA Bayani AKA My boyfriend doesn't take it the wrong way.

-=Later At The Airport=-

Jordans POV:
So I'm waiting for my amazing girlfriend to arrive so I can say my last goodbyes before we go back to a long distance relationship again. I know you're probably thinking: Long distances turn out bad, Don't they? Well, Maybe in the movies, because me and Brianna are a perfect long distance couple! I just wish she didn't leave. But I understand. She's quite homesick and needs to see her family.
"Jordannn!!" I hear Bree cry out in her adorable Australian accent as she wraps her arms around my neck from behind, Making me lose my trail of thoughts. "Breeee!" I cry out as well and turn around and give her a big bear hug. "I'm gonna miss you so much Bree!" I say with a smile, holding her hand, She was holding a camera with her other hand, She practically vlogged every second she was here.
She held the camera up as it was flashing a red light, meaning it was recording. "Hey everyone!! I'm saying goodbye to Jordan and.. Heading back to Aussie!" She stopped in the middle of the sentance, Kind of losing her trail of thought, Then giving away a fake pouty face. I chuckle and give her a small peck on the lips before we hear,
"Flight to Australia leaving in three minutes!"
We pout as Bree stops recording and gives me a hug, then locking her eyes with mine. We both lean in and crash each others lips against one another, It felt like hours, the kiss was deep and passionate. Bree then pulled away slowly. "I love you." Escaped her lips. She was smiling. But I can see in her eyes she was nervous about something. But I didn't question it. In case it was personal.

-=Bree's POV=-
I couldn't. I couldn't tell him I was moving in with another boy. Even after that long passionate kiss. "Well, I better get going. I love you baby." I sigh, Kissing his cheek and walk towards the airplane with my luggage and look back and smile and wave, before entering the airplane. I look out the window as the plane gets ready to take off and I wave as we fly away, and Jordan's no where in sight.

-=Three days later=-

-=(Still) Bree's POV=-
It just felt like yesterday I said goodbye to Jordan and didn't tell him I moved in with Mitchell. As I sigh as the sun rises; I groan and look on my phone. I might as well tell him over the phone.. It wont hurt as bad if I dont see his facial expressions.. Right? I think for a moment and shrug my thoughts off and walk into the kitchen. Where Mitchell was making Eggs and Bacon for breakfast. He was always such a good cook.. "Hello Mitchell!" I blurt out, happily. Catching his attention. "Oh hey Bree! Why don't you sit down? Eggs are almost ready!" He smirked and chuckled. I laugh lightly and sit down at the dinner table. I decided to let my feelings out to one who understands me better than anyone. Mitchell. As he places a plate in front of me, the plate holds scrambled eggs and crispy bacon. "Yumm!" I exclaim ajd giggle. "Hey Mitch, Can I tell you something?" I ask, Getting a bit serious as I start to eat. He nodded as his mouth was full and he looked like a squirrel. I giggled a little. "Um, When I left Seattle.. I didnt tell Jordan I moved here with you, I was afraid he'd take it the wrong way and yell at me.." I admit and sigh. Cupping my face in my hands. Mitchell just sighed. "Well Bree, How are you gonna tell him?" He asked, Gently. "On the phone I guess." I say, bracing myself for whats about to come.

Soo, Opinions? Im gonna try to update it as soon as I can. Probably a little short but I was rushed >.< so Rate, Comment and Follow! Ilysm! By the way, I hope you like the name Bree for Bee. :D -Aliyah

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