Hard Truths and Sad Lies

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Warning: This Story is Not Suggested for Childeren, As it has swear words, sexual content and self harming, suicidal thoughts, drugs and more. I prefer 13+
Enjoy! <3 -Aliyah

Bree's POV:
I pace around the living room before dialing Jordan's number. I then dialed it and after a couple rings he answered. "Hey Bree! How's it back home in Aussie?" He asked. His voice so soft and cheerful. I didnt want it to change. "Um, About that.." I hesitated. And it's like he knew I was hesitating because he suddenly got in a worried tone. "Bree, Is everything okay?" He asked worriedly. "Well, My family never agrees with my choice in life, Such as YouTube.. And choice of Friends.. They said if I dont change my image they'll kick me out." I started tearing up. Mitchell was watching me from the hallway. I didn't care. I just needed to come out to Jordan. I heard Jordan's breath shorten. "Brianna, Are you saying you dont live there anymore? I can come fly to Aussie and pick you-" I cut him off. "No, they didnt kick me out, I left." I sighed, wiping some tears away. "And I already live somewhere.." I hesitated saying the next line. "With someone.." I blurt out, Suddenly frozen in fear with what he'd say. He started breathing hard and he sighed deeply. "W-with a boy?" He asked, stuttering in his words. I forgot to mention. He's easily jealous. Which is why I was afraid to tell him in the first place. "Yeah.. With Mitchell, Or StrauberryJam." I answer. Tearing up in fear. I heard him take a deep breathe and was silent for a moment or two. "Okay. I'm cool." He said, normally. I was surprised. "R-Really?" I ask, I knew he was lying. I see right through him, And his voice. "Yeah! Just don't get crazy." He fake chuckled and hung up. I sighed. I knew he was probably gonna go punch a wall. He was small but strong. He was in the wrestling team for a year.

Jordan's POV: I hung up and then flinched and punched my living room wall, Gladly not breaking it, just making a mark. I then huffed. Why? Why? I knew she wouldnt do anything crazy with him but.. Why couldnt she tell me sooner?? I wouldn't have been so mad! "Fuck you Brianna!" I yell, Not regretting what I just said. There's only one thing in a time like this.. I told Bree I would never ever do it again.. But.. To take my mind off of what just happened..
Beer.. Bars.. Smoking.. I need it all..
I thought to myself and put my leather jacket on and ran out the door.

Mitchell's POV:
I know Bree is with Jordan and all, but honestly.. He's a jerk. He used to do drugs, alcohol and go out to partys and fuck different girls. He only changed for Bree. At least I care. And besides. Me and Bree are as close as close can get. Im the first person she met over the internet and to be honest. I had major feelings. But they didn't ever fade away. They kept growing. Especially when I found out she came to live with me. But no. I need to be strong since she is with Jordan. My thoughts trailed off when I heard Bree start to sob and cry, I ran up to her and sat next to her on the couch. "Bree, what happened? What did he do?" I asked worriedly. She sobbed and looked up at me and just hugged me, crying in my shoulder. "H-He, He just won't ever take things th-e-e r-right w-way.." She stuttered and cried. I sighed and stroked her long ombre hair. I felt so horrible for her. I couldnt believe what it'd be like in her shoes.

Will(Kiingtong)'s POV:
I was at a bar because my brother dragged me into it, But I didnt drink anything but tea and watched the tv in the bar. some girls came up to me but I was gay. I admit it. I'm into boys, but I'm not ashamed. My thoughts trailed off when I saw a familiar face, and by the way, Yes I am in Seattle, visiting my brother. Wait, is that.. Jordan? I got up to get a closer look. Yeah! It's Jordan.. I thought he promised Bree he would change.. Oh my god he has like twelve bottles of vodka in front of him. I walked over to him. "Jordan?" I ask, still in disbelief he's here. Honestly.. I have some feelings for him.. But he's dating Brianna and is straight so.. I have no chance with him. He looked up at me cross-eyed. "O-oh.. W-Will?" He asked, slurred. "Yeah.. I thought you told Bree you'd never step foot in a bar again." I questioned, quite confused. Does Bree know he's here? I bet not. "Please." He hiccuped. "Don't t-tell her I'm h-here." He slurred, pleading. I sighed. I wasn't gonna lie to Bree. she's too sensitive to have to put through with lies. I nodded, lying. I started to walk away then looked back, rolling my eyes, taking my phone out and texting my brother.

"I'm going home. See ya."

"Whatever party pooper :P"


I roll my eyes at his text back and walk back over to Jordan and take his wrist firmly, in case he fights back and walk towards the door. "W-What?" He hiccuped and was unsteady on his feet and I took him to my car, Not answering any of his slurred questions. "Stop questioning. I'm bringing you home." I stated and drove off. "You can't do this grandma!" He hiccuped, I laughe lightly. Damn he was drunk. "How many shots did you take?" I asked, still uncontrollably laughing. It was like 12:36am, damn. Time flies. It was 7:00pm last time I checked. "Haha, like a thousand." He hiccuped and laughed. A few minutes later we arrived and I helped him in the house. I let him sleep on my bed and get rest since I knew his hangover will be pretty bad since he hasn't been drunk in awhile.

-=Next morning, With Bree and Mitchelle=-

Bree's POV:
I woke up, groaning and sighing. I stretched and looked out my window. It was pitch black outside. I look over at my clock. It was 5:30am.. Ughh, my sleeping schedules a mess. I suddenly hear laughing come from Mitchell's room. I bet he was recording so I decided to keep quiet and read for a little while. Before I knew it the sun shined bright through my bedroom window and I was playing on my phone. I look over at my clock again. "9:45?" I say aloud. Wow time flies.. I then remember yesterday night and sigh. I should call Jordan later.. But not now its like 5am for him. I get up, looking in the mirror of my dresser. Wow I look like a monster. I sigh and walk out and see that Mitchell is in his room still recording so I go into the kitchen and make a bagel, then going to the couch and sitting down, eating it.

-=With Will and Jordan=-

Jordan's POV: I flutter my eyes open and suddenly get a huge pain in my head. "Oww.." I groan, Holding my head. I sit up and see I'm not in my own bed. I'm in someone elses.. What happened last night is blurry but I remember.. Being at a bar because I was mad at Bree. Damn my head hurts so badd, I haven't had a hangover in awhile.. But wait. I thought and lookes around. Where am I? I get up, feeling dizzy and almost fall but a dresser helps me walk. I walked out the room and saw.. Will?? Did he bring me here last night? D-did we.. No! I groan. "U-um.. Hi Will." I groan and he looks over at me. A wide smile plays on his lips. "Hey, how you feeling?" He asked me, walking over to me. I nod. "Okay, I have a major headache." I sigh, sitting down on the couch. "So.. What happened last night?" I asked. Completely lost of what happened. "I was at a bar that my brother dragged me to and I found you drinking like a million shots so I took you here to my place. And you told me not to tell Bree you went to the bar. It all came to me and I nodded. "Please don't.. I only went because there was alot on my mind." I said, sighing. "As long as all you did was sit. No fucking." He joked and I playfully hit his arm. "You have any pain meds?" I ask, holding my head, wincing in pain. He nodded. "Be right back." He got up and so did I but a pack of cigarettes fell out of my pocket. Oh shit! I smoked before I went in the bar. Shit.. Brianna hated when I smoke. And so does Will.

Will's POV: My eyes widened and I slowly picked up the cigarette packet. "You smoke now too?" I asked quietly, shocked. He nodded slowly. Okay, I need to tell Bree. I don't care if he hates me for calling her. I need her to know. Smoking could kill Jordan. I don't want that. I shake my head and hand him the pack. "I'm just gonna go get your medicine." I say and walk away. When I get to the bathroom I shut the door and dialed up Brianna. "Hello?" She answered. "Hey Bree.. We need to talk." When I explained everything that happened she was silent and then suddenly broke down in tears. I could hear. The line went dead and I sighed. Had to be done. I grabbed the meds and walked out. "Sorry I took so long. I couldnt find them at first." I lie and hand him the medicine. Sigh I feel so bad. For both of them.

Bree's POV: Once I hang up from Will telling me devastating news, I fell to the ground and cried. He went to a bar.. He smokes again.. He got drunk.. For all I know he could've had sex with random girls too.. I.. I thought he changed. I can't believe him.. A voice made me snap back to reality, warm arms were wrapped around my waist and I hugged Mitchell back. "H-He does i-it a-again.." I stutter and sob in Mitchell's shoulder. Mitchell knew what I was talking about and I could tell by his body tension, he was mad and sad for me..

Okay, So I added a little Kiani, which Kiana will appear here and there, because they're just as adorable as Straubee. Comment, Rate and Follow! Tysm! -Aliyah :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2015 ⏰

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