╰► turquoise ꒱

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Find a common interest and remember not to fake one. Turquoise evokes good fortune and patience, so like this color, you'll find your luck soon—may it come a long or short time.


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It was always what everyone who never truly know him would think.

Oh how foolish they are to think that.

Much to the ravenette's dismay, he couldn't help but deny that that he is not calm right now.

If anything, he was just a dorky sheep in a cool wolf's clothing.

Especially towards the girl he likes.

The H/C-haired girl sat across him, minding her own business with her phone while wearing earphones.

Poor lad. He tried his best to stop stealing glances.

But he simply couldn't do so, his crush was sitting right in front of him.

So Kageyama continued to sit stiff while Y/N happily hummed along with a song.

What he didn't know was that the girl hid her true emotions well too.

In fact, since she was always a collected person, she had her mind and thoughts straight.

Though she couldn't deny that her heart raced due to the handsome prodigy that sat in front of her.

Their lunch were yet to be served so the atmosphere was a tad bit suffocating as there were no topics to be brought up.

Before Y/N decided to boldly take the move.

"So Kageyama-kun."

The setter almost jumped in his seat but replied with a monotone voice.


"Do you do morning jogs during weekends?" She asks.

"As much as possible I tend to.." He simply replied.

Y/N hummed and looked up. "Well, you and Hinata do race a lot~"

You chuckled, remembering the moments he and the shorter player would childishly race.

Kageyama lightly blsuhed out of embarassment. "O-oi! You saw that?"

The girl giggled. "It's fun to see you both race! Especially by the fact that Hinata could quickly catch up with you despite having shorter legs."

how to get your crush to like you // haikyuu Where stories live. Discover now