╰► sky blue ꒱

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﹏﹏ ❬ 🎨 : ✰❛ 𝐒𝐊𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐄 🖌 ❜ ❭ ﹏﹏

Draws attention, inspires trust, color of communication and technology


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THE SAME DAY, KAGEYAMA BUILT UP HIS COURAGE TO offer his crush if he could walk her home.

Of course, with the help of Nishinoya, Tanaka and Hinata, he felt empowered.

Calmly walking towards Y/N, he lets out a big breath.

"I can do this.." He murmured to himself.

Gently tapping the girl's shoulder, he opened his mouth to speak up.

But he was left speechless again when she turned around.

When Y/N noticed it was him, she smiled widely not helping him at all.

"Kageyama! What's up?" Excitement radiated from her.

"I-I-I..." He mumurs, stuttering again as he looks down.

"What? I can't hear you properly." Y/N rose a brow.

"You.... I... Well- you know- I was wondering if I could walk you to your house?" He scratches his neck.

The H/C-haired girl wore a surprised look.

So she laughs before wanting to tease him, "Why so?"


"Sure! Let's walk home together. Don't take back what you just said, silly." She jokingly punched his shoulder.

Mentally releasing a sigh of relief, he was fortunate that his courage wasn't put unto waste.

"In fact, I guess I do need help carrying something actually..." Y/N sweatdropped.

"I'm free." Kageyama instantly offers.

No matter how heavy or many it was, he was a simp so he would never feel any burden as long it was her.

"Of course you should! Cause if you didn't, I'd for sure force you so anyway!" She laughed.

A vein popped out from his forehead. "Oh for fucks sake-"

But then Kageyama thought of something that sparked his curiousty.

"Why didn't you ask the other boys to do it for you?" He says.

She shrugged. "Because I feel safer with you than with them. Plus, you're much enjoyable too."

The way she responded with a straightforward look and reply made the boy blush.

"W-was that a compliment..?"

Y/N blushes as she smiled at him. "Hmm... Is it?"

Kageyama rolled his eyes at her tease before quickly walking away to the direction he thought she was going.

"Hey! You're going the wrong direction airhead. It's this way." Y/N stuck her tongue out as she pointed at the other hallway.

Blushing red, he mumbled out curses making her giggle.

how to get your crush to like you // haikyuu Where stories live. Discover now