Fourth.. Errand Boy

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My memory is fuzzy, but I do recall what they asked from me. Whether I remember, if I saw his face, did he say anything, ect. But I lied and said I didn't. I wanted to hunt down the Jester myself and put an end to his reign of terror. It was my fault that one kid went missing and two others died because my mask slipped.

I remember devising my plan to follow the mysterious black'n'blue Jester to see where he hid his victims. Meanwhile, many other children started to disappear while others were quickly reported killed in their backyards, alleyways, and the forest path to the creek. How naive..

About two weeks later, when my plan went into action. It had worked, mostly. When he struck, I followed him and his latest victim through the forest to an old withering house past the creek. It wasn't small, but wasn't big either. Despite its old appearance it seemed to be in good, neat condition. From there he took his victim out back as they screamed and cried for mercy.

Again I followed and there I saw the burials of the other missing children from the village. Little wooden crosses stabbed into the freshly moved dirt. My mask started to slip again as I shook with fear. Wanting to throw up at the sight of all the red prints everywhere. The rotting stench that was hanging in the air was suffocating.

"AIDEN HELP ME!!" cried the victim, snapping me out of my trance. They had spotted me and panicked, exposing my position. The Jester glanced my way and then back to the crying victim.

"Shut up.." He muttered, making the kid sniffle pathetically. His voice was cold and slightly raspy. I couldn't move as he stood up from tying the kid down. Then he started walking in my direction with the sound of his leather boots making the fallen leaves and little twigs crunch under them, stopping just inches away. I remember falling right on my butt as he reached over the side of my head and grabbed an axe I didn't know was right behind me as it propped against the wall. Then, what happened next shocked and confused me greatly.

He patted my head softly and walked back to his victim. His black jeans making his strides seem slow, almost ghost-like. Until he stopped and raised the axe above his head. Swinging it down with great force as the victim let out one last scream.

Then silence..

The colliding sound boomed like thunder, sudden, loud, and horrifying. I yelped and covered my ears, feeling the wetness of tears gliding down from my now watering blue eyes as my chest tightened and my breath quickly sped with my thumping heart. I absolutely hated thunder. The crimson ink was in my line of sight as my breath continued to speed up to the point of hyperventilation . My sight then started to blur with the welling of tears that stung. Suddenly a pair of hands covered my eyes and pulled me back into a broad chest. Making my hands drop to my sides as I froze with fear. Dropping my facade completely.

"You're a part of my game now~" He chuckled slyly. His black half gloved hands clasped something cold and heavy around my neck and snapped it closed with a chink sound. "Go get some firewood. My little Errand Boy.." He gently pushed my back for me to move. Out of the fear I had, I complied and went off to where my feet took me. To go get firewood. "And don't think I won't find you if you run off!" He yelled after me. His malice laughter was bantering, mocking me as it echoed through the trees.

If I had my mask I would've grabbed the axe and knocked him out to take him to the authorities. Like a "real" hero. The hero everyone loves and looks up too, but I dropped my fake face and by now he knew the real me. The real me, now his fearful servant, his frightened prisoner, his scared little errand boy. What a mess it was..


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