. 𝟎𝟎𝟐 .

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warning ; swearing, and some really bad post formatting.

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" Hey, Google! Play Me and Your Ghost by Blackbear! " Dakota was fairly sure she wasn't awake enough just yet to be yelling at her google nest to play songs, yet the voice sounded so much like her own. Dakota groaned, her voice deeper then per usual due to sleep.

In response to the request, the speaker out in the kitchen began the rhythmic melody that went along with one of Dakota's favourite songs. As much as sleep was trying to drag her back into its arms, the promise of a good song and the fact that someone else was in her apartment was a good enough drive to get her rolling slowly out of bed and stretching her arms and legs. 

" I'm not alone! It's just me and your ghost and this cripplin' depression I thought I learned my lesson! " Now that Dakota was a little more awake - and feeling much less dead inside - she was able to recognise the mixed singing - honestly it was more like screeching - voices of her little sister and her best friend. The brown haired woman grabbed the side of the doorway into the kitchen and swung her way into the room. 

"Jazzy!! My love!" Across the kitchen, a woman looked up from her phone where she was playing some sort of game in landscape mode.

"Hey Kodes! Hows it hanging?". Jasmin was a tall and fairly muscular girl with a distinct distaste for long sleeved shirts, hence her current tank top outfit. The girls hair was short and black and constantly a mess. It fit the vibe she was going for though, adding well into the butch lesbian dancer aesthetic. That was originally how Dakota had met her, though their dance classes during their senior years. That was before introducing Tulia and Jasmin.

"Ah yes, and I gain no love from my heartless sister" Tulia was sitting on the kitchen bench with a fruit salad in a plastic container in her lap which she was lazily picking at and eating while glancing at her phone from time to time. Dakota stuck her tongue out and eyed the plastic bag beside the girl. 

"Did you happen to pick up your heartless sister some breakfast?" Tulia mirrored the curious grin. 

"Perhaps, perhaps not" Dakota dug into the bag, pulling out a container with fruit and yogert in it. 

"Yesssss! Mango! You queen!" Jasmin laughed at the sisters antics and leaned against the counter to continue scrolling through something on her phone, while Dakota dragged one of the bar stools out to sit on it. A still very tired Dakota began taking large spoonfuls of the mango chunks and vanilla yogert and let out a long groan. " I love mango, and only mango, nothing else holds any place in my heart " Tulia laughed at her sister and slid her arm across the counter in an attempt to snatch the yogert container back. Dakota's response was quick, and she slapped the other girls hands away, holding the container to her chest like a baby. "No touchie!"

"Oh my god you are literally five years old" Tulia stifled a laugh by covering her mouth giggles escaping from below her fingers.

"You tried to take my mango! Its a totally valid response!" Dakota attempted to justify her actions, but her excuses fell on deaf ears as Jasmin pulled her girlfriend off the counter. 

"Come on losers, grab your bags, we've got to get groceries" Jasmin always seemed to be the mother of the group, even though she was technically the youngest of them - Dakota being the oldest by six minutes.

𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐋 . 𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞Where stories live. Discover now