Chapter 40- King Naxdin

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Keth and Mina knocked on the door of Yue's home, startling Illran and Argen. Mina gave a complacent wave to everyone as Keth immediately flopped down into a chair.

"Okay, this is my friend Mina everyone. And to our esteemed guests, I'm Keth."

"Keth, any reason you brought someone here? Completely unprompted?" Jorm asked, glancing to Mina. Instead of noticing, Mina was watching Illran as it looked like the dots were finally connecting.

"Oh my god." Mina whispered, walking slowly and lightly touching Illran's metal arm. It was cold.

"What are you...?" Illran asked.

"It all makes sense." Mina muttered, sinking into a chair. "He still has them."

"W-Who has what?" Illran asked again, her voice getting shaky.

"He said your arms were so soft, your thighs too. Oh fuck..." Mina covered her mouth as she tried and failed to keep the image out of her mind, a sound like a half-push to expel her food and drink emanating from behind her hand. Illran blanched, her eyes shaky. She was sweating heavily.

"Illran, calm down! Come with me, come on..." Argen took her hand and began to lead her to the bathroom. "You guys go meet without us."

As they left and entered the bathroom, everyone could hear Illran sobbing and retching, her metal hands grinding along the floor.


Mina had elected to stay with Yue and Gin while Bagdur, Jorm, Warg, Vol and Keth all went to talk with the new ruler of Fortress Gengnor, one King Naxdin as Bagdur told them. A short trip back up to the Upper level and they were at the gates to his abode, where people came with requests.

"We'd like to speak with King Naxdin." Bagdur told a guard, who opened the gate and allowed the five passage. Inwards they moved, the gate closing behind them.

"What is it that you require?" Naxdin asked the party. Jorm took initiative and stepped forward, bowing to him.

"Your highness, my name is unimportant, but I come with dire news. The being behind the threat to end the world eight years ago is alive and in Evasiry."

Everyone watched with bated breath as to what would happen when two dwarven guards materialized from the stone pillars in the hall, grabbing Vol and Keth before quickly sinking into the ground with them in their grasp.

"Jorm, it's a trap!" Warg called out, delivering a roundhouse kick to a guard's head while Bagdur simply punched one in the face. After that, the guards stood back, watching.

"You dare to waltz into my home and ask for my support? Do you have any proof that he's returned? No, I think this is an elaborate scheme for you to clear your name of theft, kobold." Naxdin sneered at him from his seat.

"Sir, he's attacked multiple people! I even have the scar on my back from when he killed me!"

"Likely story! Guards, seize the criminal!" The guard grabbed Jorm and shoved his hands into melded rock, dipping his feet into the pure stone floor.

"Rrgh! Naxdin, what the fuck?" Jorm pulled and twisted, unable to free himself.

"I'll be merciful to you two. Leave them now, or face death." Naxdin motioned to Warg and Bagdur. Warg remembered the warning he received, that warning of his choice. He looked towards the door, then at Jorm struggling with his bonds. He unholstered his axe and let out a long sigh.

"I choose option three. I challenge you to a duel." Warg pointed his axe at Naxdin.

"A duel! On what terms?"

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