Chapter One

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It was a cool autumn night, Evelyn had just gotten off work and was walking past an old abandoned school from the eighteen hundreds, she got a sudden urge to go inside. A big gust of wind came and whipped her dark brown, elbow length hair around her face. With one gentle movement, she moved he hair away from her face as she walked up to the large double doors that led into the school towering school. Se looked up to a sign just above the double doors that read 'Willis Elementary School.' Reluctantly, Evelyn reached out for the right door handle. The doors where the biggest doors she had ever seen. They where a dark brown, almost black, and one was boarded shut, but the other one was cracked slightly open. Silently, a man came up from behind her. "I wouldn't go in there if I were you." He said. Evelyn slightly jumped at the sudden voice and turned around. There was no one that could be seen, but then again she did just finish the night shift at the 'Cafe Coffee!' She worked at. Evelyn looked a little closer and realized that there was indeed a person a few feet ahead of her. "Who are you?" She asked nervously. "Calum." The man said, stepping into a bit of light that was in front of Evelyn. The man had broad shoulders, dirty blonde hair, bright green eyes, and wore a plain grey t-shirt, regular blue jeans, and convers. He looked like he was about nineteen years old, two years older than she. "Ok. Calum. Why can't I go in the old school?" Evelyn asked getting a little annoyed with Calum. "Because it's haunted, and you might get killed, then the world would never know the wonderful and mysterious beauty that is Evelyn Grace Ridgeworth." Calum explained. Evelyn looked a little freaked out. "How do you know my name?" She asked taking a half step back. "We used to go to school together, we had P.E. Class at the same time." He replied. "That's why your name sound fimiliar..." Evelyn said, not meaning to speak out loud. "Well, I'm still going inside, ok?" She finished, not really meaning it as a question. Se pulled on the door handle and the door opened with a loud creak. "This isn't the you I know from high school." Calum said coming to stand next to her. "I'm not like that anymore, I don't have to put up with always being afraid of teachers." Evelyn replied bluntly. "Well maybe I should go in with you, I might like to see this." Calum said trying to change the topic. "Well maybe you should." Evelyn said, turning to him and smiling. Calum went in first so that anything that would jump out at Evelyn, would jump out at him instead, giving her a chance to get away. "Wow, everything is so ok in here." Calum gasped and looked around slowly, taking it all in. "Well, it is from the eighteen hundreds. What else did you expect?" Evelyn asked sarcastically. When Evelyn walked in after him, everything was exactly how she had last seen it. "Nothing's changed a bit." She said sighing deeply, ten quickly after going into a coughing fit from all the dust. "Are you okay?" Calum asked reaching for her hand. "I'm fine." She replied, her coughing dying down as she spoke. She let Calum take her hand, and they started walking around the old school. "What did you mean when you said 'it hasn't changed a bit'?" Calum asked as they walked into an old math classroom. "Well, I used to come here a lot when I was younger. I was like five or six at the time. I would have to come and pick the lock with a bobby pin that I always had in my hair. I would go all the way up to the third floor and just randomly walk around." She replied, looking at him as he walked over to a cabinet. Calum opened the cabinet and dust flew out in all directions. "They didn't take anything out of this school, did they?" He asked closing the cabinet. "It was an emergency evacuation." She explained the contenuing. "So to answer your question, no. They didn't take anything out." Evelyn said walking out of the class room. All of a sudden, there was a loud crash somewhere in the building. Evelyn raced back into the room, she came to a stop directly in front of Calum. "Did you just hear that?" She asked nervously. "I was just about to ask you the same thing" Calum replied no fear of nervousness in his voice. "Do you think we should go check it out?" He contended as he walked over to the door frame and peered out of the room. "I don't know, I mean, it could just be the wind...or something." She said coming to stand beside Calum. "Hold on," she said contenuing. "Didn't you say this place was haunted?" She added. "That I did."
"The do you think it could have a..." she trailed off and she looked at Calum. "Maybe, you never know with old, creepy, and dark places."
"What do we do now?" Evelyn asked Calum. "Well, we have three options." He started. "We could A) Go check it out. B) we could sneak out of the school. Or, C) we can hide in this little tiny classroom for the rest if our lives. What do you want to do?" He finished his sentence looking at Evelyn, who was at the door frame looking looking out into the hallway. "Maybe we should go check it out, you never know, like you said, bringing her head back into the classroom. "Maybe your right. We should go see if it was a..." he swallowed hard. "Ghost." Evelyn too Calum's hand and walked out of the classroom. The two of them walked down to the ed of the corridor. "Where did it come from?" Calum asked looking down the left then down the right hallways. "Sounded like it came from the gym, maybe?" Evelyn suggested looking down the right corridor. "It's down the right side." She finished, looking back at Calum. "How often did you come here as a kid?" He asked, gawking at her in amazement. "At least once every two days." She said quietly as she started down the hallway, Calum still holding her hand. "Why did you spend so much time here?" He asked. He hadn't expected for her to say that she had spent so much time in here, he expected her to say 'Maybe once a month.' "Well...I was hiding." Evelyn replied as if she didn't want to talk too much about it. Calum opened his mouth to speak, but Evelyn cut him off. "Parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, everybody. Did that answer your next question?" She said, trying not to be rude. "Yes, yes it did, Evelyn Grace."
"Now," Evelyn started before he could say anything else. "How did you know that I was going to be here today? Especially at this time of night." Se finished asking him as he wrapped an arm around her waist, gently forcing her to move closer to him. "I don't know. I guess I just had a feeling." He pondered with a smile. "I can't just leave my favorite girl in an old haunted school all alone and risk her getting hurt, now can I?" He added, his smile growing even bigger. "I'm your favorite girl?" Evelyn asked a little shocked. "Well of corse, you have been since before I started talking to you. I fell in love with you in a millisecond, as soon as I saw you. The school counselor brought you into the gym your first day here in the middle of the year, first I just heard you say your name, 'Evelyn Grace Ridgeworth,' it thought your name was beautiful, but your voice is what made me turn around and look at you, and when I did, I fell in love." He said in a distant like state, as if her were remembering everything that had happened that day. Evelyn's cheeks became hot from her blushing at his words. She gently placed her head on his shoulder and he planted a kiss on the top of her head. And just for that split moment, they had forgotten what they where thinking and where they were going. Until...

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